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find a Diva
or two here!
Do you have
what it takes
to be a
Well then,
why don't you

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"Diva Queen"
Ebonyfire, that
Smooches, Diva #7
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will take you
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Diva site!
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Have Fun!

Sweet ~Kisses

What is a ChatDiva you ask? Well, there really are so many things that make up a 'Diva' that I could be here forever writing it all! *L*

Let's just say that, we are women, we are strong and we are proud! We come from all walks of life and all corners of the world. We are Married, Single, or Divorced. We are mothers, sisters, aunts and friends. We stand for what we believe in and we support & protect our family & friends at all costs! But most of all, we Love to Chat! *G*.

If you want to know more about us, why don't you stop by the Diva Den, it's our very own chat room! Or, you could crusie our Webring. And coming VERY soon, we will have our own domain so stay tuned for updates on that. So as you can see, it's not hard to find a Diva around somewhere, we are growing more and more everyday!


This is a must read! *LMAO*

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