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Songs with a message.  You can hope in times of trouble and peace that passes all understanding.
Don't major in the minors.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
 Seek first the Kingdom of God.
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Here, you will find songs that lead the way to peace that passes all understanding.  There is a way to have hope in times of the deepest trouble.  There is a wonderful peace and a comfort in times of trouble that is available to all believers.
If You Feel Discouraged
free Christian music Bible songs pictureIs Your Life Shakin'
Blessed Is The Man That Trusteth In The Lord
free Christian music Bible songs pictureThere's a Whole Lot of Shakin' Goin' on
When My Own Light Is Getting Dim
When trouble comes stop--look away to Jesus
Take the veil from off our face
If I clothe the little lilly
He put a rainbow in my life
I know that it's time
In a moment
I'm losing control
Just When I thought things could never be made right
I Will Not Fear For Tomorrow
Romans 8:28 & 29
There are times
Out on this stormy sea, here comes Jesus
See, sayeth He, Jesus turned it into blessing
I've given thee joy for sadness
And I saw angels picking up the teardrops
When the storms rage
If I fly, then you can too
When we come to the end of ourselves
As fires rage
Come all ye who are weary

God can deliver you from the storm or through the storm, but through the storm you learn where the Refuge is.
Brad Snoke

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