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Songs about the name of Jesus; there's just something about that name.   Music with a message.
Don't major in the minors.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
 Seek first the Kingdom of God.
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Here is a place to get free scripture songs about the name of Jesus.  It is true that there's just something about that name.  The name of Jesus cannot be seperated from the person of Jesus.  When the Scripture states that we are to do all things in the name of Jesus, it is not saying that we are to constantly keep repeating, "in Jesus name," as we go about our daily tasks.  It is more than a religious form.  God wants us to do everything while in communion with Jesus.  The name of Jesus is more than just a formula.  It is the very essence of what Jesus is.  That means much more than asking, What would Jesus do?"  It means communing with Jesus, having Him alive within guiding our lives with His presence and power within so that He can do His will within and through us.  If we draw near unto Him, He will draw near unto us.

   Let Me Magnify Thy Name
   O Lord, Let Me Magnify Your Name
   His Name Is Wonderful Counselor
   Jesus, Your Name Is So Precious

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