Lord Soth

Lord Soth was once an honorable Knight of Solamnia.  One day, he met a young elfmaid and fell in love with her. He committed adultery with her and later participated in his wife's murder after he found out his elven mistress had become pregnant. He then married her. When the elfmaid found out about what Soth had done, she prayed to her goddess Mishakal to give him a chance to redeem himself. Soth also prayed to Paladine. The gods answered their prayers, and Soth was given the power to prevent the Cataclysm. As he began his journey to Istar to stop the Cataclysm from happening, he was accosted by a group of elfmaids who wanted him to fail on his mission. They claimed that his wife had been unfaithful to him. Lord Soth rode back to his castle, Dargaard Keep, in anger. The Cataclysm occured. Soth watched as his beloved wife and child were burned to death. He waited for the flames to envelope him, to take him with them. But he did not die. Instead, he was doomed to live in undeath as a Death Knight. He later al  lied himself with Dragon Highlord Kitiara during the War of the Lance. She promised the elfmaid Laurana to Soth if he helped her to achieve her goals. He agreed to this bargain, but later turned his romantic attention to Kitiara instead.His desire for her led him to claim her soul after she was killed by Dalamar. Lord Soth has not been seen or heard from since the night of Kitiara's death. 

 In death there is no honor.