Mason/Largo/The 'Mysterious Voice'

Brian J. Mason was only in his mid to late thirties when he was killed by Sylia Stingray atop the Genom Tower in the year 2032. His death seems for all the world to have been planned, for even his facial expression seemed to be more of a smirk than anything else. Mason was very ambitious and it seems to be hardly a stretch at all to assume that he allowed Sylia to kill him that night.

In the year 2033 he resurfaced as Largo, the SuperBoomer with a direct link to the satellite weapons. While at the time his ultimate goal was to eradicate mankind and lead the Cyberdroids in a spectacular revolution, Largo had one other objective: To annihilate Sylia Stingray, the woman who had taken his mortal life not one year before. Largo's plan was thwarted by Leon McNichol, whom Sylia owned a great favor after that. Largo stumbled backward off the edge of the Genom Tower rooftop and fell to what the Knight Sabers hoped to have been his death, Sylia parting the site with the words, "Frail humans need not fear anything more... Brian J. Mason."

She was the only one who realized who this beast truly was; the only one who understood how serious the consequences of not beating Largo could have been. But even Sylia was unaware of just how far Largo would go to achieve his ultimate goal of wiping mankind off the face of the earth.

In 2034 Largo came back for what would hopefully be the last time. He took advantage of the fact that Colonel Lando and his team were willing to sacrfice their lives for his cause. He also brought Doctor Yuri, one of Doctor Stingray's assistants, into his scheme, having him take Adama captive in order to steal the advaned AI. Largo would have succeeded, nearly managing to persuade Sylia to aid him in the eradication of mankind and the Boomer revolution, but Sylia's will was stronger than Largo had anticipated and then and there she ended him with her laser gun.

Even then Largo remainded alive inside of Sylia Stingray, his cryptic remarks about men befouling their planet ringing in her head as she tried to escape her past in a trip to Germany.

Largo's obsession with Sylia ran deeper than even she had known. He claimed to love her, and it is hard to deny that he did feel some affection for her, however perverse a form of such that it may have been. They owed and gave one another due respect, each knowing that the other held power enough over him or her that each one could be crushed with a thought.

What Is the Mason/Largo Connection?

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