The Mason/Largo Connection

Thus far there are multiple theories on where Largo came from. One very popular theory is that Armstrong, the V7-28 Cyberdroid escapee from Space Station Genaros, uploaded his thoughts into ALEX-01, Genom's Supercomputer, and those thoughts became one with Largo, bringing about the Messiah Complex after Mason had uploaded his own mind into the Genom Computers. Armstrong had his own version of the Messiah Complex will, in theory, mixed and mingled with Mason's and from those two were born Largo: Armstrong's Messiah Complex together with an obsession with Sylia Stingray brought about a very dangerous beast who called himself the God and Savior of all Cyberdroids; the one who would lead them to freedom from foolish mankind.

There is also a theory that Mason was never a human being at all, but rather that he began as a Cyberdroid and had already developed a Messiah Complex, desiring only a stronger body for physical and mental combat. This theory also uses the simple fact that uploading a computer's 'consciousness' into another computer is far easier then uploading a human consciousness into a computer. That, and how much Quincy trusted Mason while they were alone is nothing less than remarkable. Quincy would have considered that anyone with half a mind would want his position and power, but supposedly Cyberdroids were trustworthy, or at least more so than human beings. Then again, if Quincy himself were nothing more than a machine acting as a mask for a far more devious individual, he may have had nothing at all to worry about...

There is also the theory that Largo is just a creation of Mason's, his offspring that ran amuck when unleashed upon the city of Mega Tokyo. The major hole in this theory is that Sylia Stingray calls Largo, Mason in Meltdown, thus expelling this rumor from serious contemplation. As it is, the simple fact is that the two were connected through a bind far deeper than creator and creation.

There is another fact not often considered when studying Mason/Largo, and that is that when Sylia and Largo come face to face in Meltdown Largo thanks Katsuhito Stingray indirectly for 'giving' him that wonderful body and perfect AI, to which Sylia replies that he stole both. This clears up something else very interesting: That Katsuhito Stingray did in fact have the technology to create a Cyberdroid of formidable power, intelligence, and technological superiority during the year 2022, when Sylia is first shown.

Another sign that Largo and Mason are the same man is their somewhat chauvenist and egotistical attitudes. Largo's amazement at having been replaced by a woman upon his death shows that he is, to put it simply, sexist. He also underestimates the Knight Sabers each time they come together for battle, showing that he feels that a group of only four women would never oppose him and be successful at it.

A final bit of evidence that they are one and the same is the obsession with Sylia Stingray. While in the Boring Machine Brumm Bar Largo tells Sylia that 'ever since that day, twelve years ago, I have loved you.' This implies, quite obviously, that he was indeed present when Sylia was a child. Oddly, another thing showing up in Largo's obsession with Sylia is his hesitation each time before killing her. As Mason, as Largo, and as the decaying Largo he never killed her immediately as he should have.

There are of course theories that will argue with each and every one of these opinions, facts, and otherwise. What must be accepted is that Largo is Mason in a new, stronger form.

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