Midis and Wavs
(music & wavs for your email & homepages)
Paul Erickson's Music and Audio
LeFantome's Music of the Night
NaNaMars Jukebox Midis
Select List
Laura's midi heaven
Midis Quick Keys
Dave's MIDIS for WebTV
Deb's Midis
Dug's midi archive
Richard's midi music
Phil's rock and roll page!!
All That Jazz!!
Midi Jukebox
Draac's multi midis
W eb thumper's
(master list)
web thumper's
(by artist/title)
JukeBox Heaven
M usic World
rock/pop midi by artist
Laura's Links Page!!
Sounds and Music Galore!
midi Carousel
B lly's jukebox
(Jimmy Buffet)
Terri's Treasure Chest
Fuzzy's Place
Music Spirit
Harmony Central Midi Files
Glenn 's 70's and 80's Rockin' Midi Site
Midi s for Webtv2
Johnny V's Midi links
Joerock and Explorer
Midi Search
Bes t Midi Sites
Kwest Productions
Don Carroll's
Lu-Ann's Midi page
Sunet's Index
Midi Mania
Audioscope builder
Best Midi Sites
Claudia's Midi Links
Midi Links!
Best Graphics and Music
Skip's Eagle Nest Midis
Pat's Midi Links
Sound Express
Scuba Mom's Caribbean Midis
Here Are Some WAVS Pages!!
(I love these)
Sound central
LeFa ntome' s Wavs
Sound Resourse
Wav Central
Midi and WAV Links
The Daily WAV
Voice Box
U-L-T-R-A-S Type and talk
Brian's WAV Links
Midifarm-500 Karaoke songs
[newbie page]
[midis & wavs]
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[webtv user pages]
[webtv tricks]
Real Audio
Tom's Real Audio Room
N.P.R.Radio News
NASA live
mission audio
Real audio usually does not play well on Webtv. It can lock up your unit and make it necessary to unplug your power cord. (webtv supports real audio 3.0, and real audio 5.0 is required to hear these files correctly.)
N.P.R. usually plays pretty well
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