Instill the love of you
into all the world, for a good character is what is remembered.
- The Teaching for Merikare c. 2135 – 2040 B.C ; Par. 24
A mans past is not simply
dead history.... it is a still quivering part of himself, bringing shudders
and bitter flavours and the tinglings of merited shame - George
I've lived to bury my
For the one thing I greatly
fear has come upon me. And what I dreaded has happened to me, I am not
at ease nor am I quiet; I have no rest, for trouble comes... - The
Book of Job; 3:25-26
Truth, crushed to earth,
shall rise again. - William Cullen Bryant 1794 – 1878 ; The
Battlefield [1839], st. 9
To believe your own thought,
to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for
all men — that is genius - Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 – 1882 Essays:
First Series [1841], Self-Reliance
It is a very great thing
to be able to think as you like; but, after all, an important question
remains: what you think. - Democracy [1861]
People should be beautiful
in every way — in their faces, in the way they dress, in their thoughts
and in their innermost selves. - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 1860 –
1904 ; Uncle Vanya [1897], act I
And there will be such
intense darkness that one can feel it... - The Book of Exodus; 10:21
Justice is a machine that,
when someone has once given it the starting push, rolls on of itself.
- John Galsworthy 1867 – 1933 ; Justice [1910], act II
O Lord, if there is a Lord;
Save my soul, if I have a soul - Ernest Renan
Man is the cruelest animal
- Nietzsche
[Sex:] The most fun I've
ever had without laughing. - WoodyAllen; Annie Hall (screenplay)
Il faut avoir du talent
pour être vieux sans être adult. translated:
You need to have talent to be old without being an adult
- from a song by Jacques Brel, (sent by Bart Vandemoortele)
Are you a politician asking
what your country can do for you or a Zealous one asking what you can do
for your country? - -Kahlil Gibran, 1883-1931 [The New Frontier](Sent
by Kelly)
The highest form of wisdom
is kindness - -The Talmud (Sent by Bonnie
Painting is silent poetry,
and poetry painting that speaks. - Simonides c. 556 – 468 B.C.,
From PLUTARCH, De Gloria Atheniensium, III, 346
Seek freedom and become
captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.- Frank
Herbert (sent by John Blau)
"God is as real as I am,"
the old man replied. My faith was restored, for I knew Santa would never
lie. - An attatchment on my friend Anthony's
e-mail; I thought it was pretty funny
We have a natural right
to make use of our pens as of our tongue, at our peril, risk and hazard.
[François Marie Arouet] 1694 – 1778; . Dictionnaire Philosophique
[1764], Liberty of the Press
If at first you don't
succeed, give up, no use being a damn fool.
I either want less corruption,
or more chance to participate in it. -Ashleigh Brilliant
A stranger is just a friend
you haven't met. -Blanca
I think that if the devil
doesn't exist and is therefore man's creation, man has made him in his
own image.. -Ivan Karamazov; The Brothers Karamazov [1879-80], Novel
by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Sent by Gilberto
One of the greatest pains
to human nature is the pain of a new idea. - Walter Bagehot 1826
– 1877; Physics and Politics [1869], ch. 5
Is man only a blunder of
god or god only a blunder of man? - Friedrich Neitzsche
The life which is unexamined
is not worth living
- Plato c. 428 – 348 B.C.; Dialogues, Apology,
sec. 38
Peace proposals unaccompanied
by a sworn covenant indicate a plot. - Sun Tzu
The universe is full of
magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. - Eden
It's not that I'm afraid
to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens. - Woody Allen
1935 – ;Without Feathers [1975], Death (A Play)
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