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The Diary of Salome Bartzin

Translation by HFZ of letter- dated Dec.8, 1997, from Dr. Norbert Zabel,
Mayor of Niederselters Taunus, Germany, to Herbert Ziegler

Dear Herb,

Certainly the most important document that emerged from your visit
here in Niederselters was the diary of Salome Bartzin from Wetzlar.
She is the mother of Maximillian Haenchan. She married Peter
Haenchen from Hilscheit in 1790.

The important thing about this document is that it was continued by
Maximilian Haenchen. He describes in it this stay in Spain as a
musician, his marriage to Antioneta Josepha von Rordriguez de la
Fuenta, who was born in Arbunellas, the birth of his first son, Louis
Johann Nepomuk in Reses, Spain and his return by ship to Genoa, and
thence to Niederselters, where he became wellmaster.

Eugen Caspary has deciphered the old German script and I have had it
typed and attached under the corresponding original text.

Herb, we wish you much pleasure in reading this. It brings some
clarity to your ancestors stay in Spain.

With friendly greetings,

Norbert Zabel
and Eugen Caspary.

Translation by HFZ of the diary of Salome Bartzin which diary was
attached to the letter from Dr.. Zabel dated Dec.:. 8, 1997 .

Page A Title Page: "Salome Bartzin from Wetzlar'.

Page B Signature: " Salome Bartzin from Wetzlar" and "Maximilian"

Page C: "The 26th. of Oct., 1789 my mother died " The 5th. of May, 1807,
my mother died"

Page D: "Our father, Maximillian Haenchen, went to sleep with the Lord on
Lord. of Sept.1864, after he had reached the age of 73 years, 4 month; and
14 days. ,and he was married 15 years, two months and 26 days" (Entered by his son
Vincens Haenchen in Niederselters)

"in the year 1790, I,  Peter Hangen from Hilscheit, have entered into the
holy state of matrimony with the honorable maiden Sabine Bartzin from
Wetzlar. In 1791, we brought a son in the world and baptized him
Maximilian on the 9th day of August, in Koblenz at the Dear Women."

Page E: "Therese Haenchen went to sleep with the Lord on the 10th of
March, 1855, often she had reached the age of 60 years end 15 days...
(Entered by her brother Maximilien Haenchen, wellmaster at Niederselters)

"June 8, 1793, a daughter Theresa went to sleep with tie Lord. On Feb. 23.
1795, a daughter is born to the world."

Page F: "My sister Elisabeth, whose married name was Maier and who
lived in Castel bei Mainz, died an ,April 17 at the age of 64 years, 6 months
and 12 days. Max"

..25th. of  Sept., 1796 ..a daughter is born to the world on Jan. 24, 1798 by
the name of Elisabeth. , daughter Elionore was born in April 29, 1845,
and went to sleep with the Lord at the age of 47 years, 3 months and 5
days; Max Haenchen".

Page G: "March 14 1794 "A daughter Anna Maria Haenchen brought a son into the world
on March 12, 1801, named William Haengen on the Schmitt.
"Went to sleep with the lord on Dec. 18, 1801"

Page H: "Dec.:. 1 8, 1801: "On June 10th, a son is born into the world with the name of
Jakob Hangen. On Dec. 16, 1802 he went to sleep with the Lord" 

"March 6, 1804: "A son is born into the world. March 6, a son with the name of
Francisbus Arnoldus Haengen"

Page I: "May 6, 1807: "A daughter is born to the world with the name of
Maria Kunigunda. Here is the end."

"On April 29, I have had the grace to receive my Savior for the  first time.
Year 1804"

"The first of April, Judas was born. The 1st. of August, t he Devil was
expelled from Heaven. The 1st of December, Sodom and Gomorra is

Page K: (Signature) "Maximilian Haengen, March 9, 1804, M.H.V. Koblenz"

Page L: (Signature) "Romer de Remich, May 26, 1818"

Page M (signature) "Salome Bartzin from Wetzlar"

Page N: "Maria Salome Haengen, born Bartzin, from Wetzlar, my much loved
mother, died in her 44th. year, the l5th. of May, 1807, in childbed, from a
lung infection. Heaven grant her eternal rest."

Page O: "I, the oldest son of Peter Haenchen and Maria Salome  Haenchen
  born Barztin, went l808 into the field as musician with the lst. Light
Infantry regiment, f first to Austria and from there to Spain. I got married
on September 27, 1813 with miss Antonnieta Josepha von Rodriquez da la
Fuente. She was born in Arbunellas in the Province of Andalucia in Spain
but was there living in Barcelona, Catalonia. My age was 22 and hers was 19 
May Heaven bless our marriage and the children for whom I write
this, Pray for your parents when they are no more."

Page P: "And may our children read this often so that the can remember
their parents with thanks. I got married an the 27th. of September, 1813
at that time I was a musician with the lst. Regiment of Nassau. after
serving 15 months in Spain, I embarked by ship an April 25 from Barcelona.
with my wife and my only son, Peter Anton. after a voyage of 25 days, we
reached Genoa, from which I set forth far my fatherland without delay, I
took up my earlier learned trade and operated the blue dyeing works in
Niederselters. The 1st. day of the year, 1819."

"Alois Maximilian Haenchen, your father"

"My children, who read this"

lst. child: "Peter Anton Louis Johann Nepomuk,  born May 16, 1814, in Rese (Rises) in
the Catalanian Province of Spain,"

2d. child: "Franz Joseph, born Sep. 20 1815, Died April 1,1816 
3rd. child: "Maria Anna born Oct 19, 1816."

4th. child: "Franz named Joseph, born June 17,1819. Godfather, my
Brother Franz and Godmother, Josepha Dillman, who has gone
 to sleep with the Lord."

Page R: "Adam Doetzel, Baptized , June 19, 1845 , son of Caspar and
Elisabeth Haenchen, daughter of the Wellmaster of Niederselters."

"Franz Doetzel  (same as above)  baptized Sept. 22, 1 847...

"These grandsons were picked up by their father, who had emigrated to
America 6 years earlier, after I had raised Franz. They set out from
Niederselters an Jan. 11, 1855 and embarked an the ship Aurora from
Liverpool an Jan 25th. to St. Louis, where they live."

Page S: "Wednesday. the 6th. My Dear Father"