Here are some bouquets of flowers...

A bouquet of red roses
A bouquet in basket with hurricane lamp
Bouquet of pink roses with leaves and ribbons
Bouquet in a wooden basket
Dozen red roses in a clear vase
Another dozen red roses in a clear vase
Small bouquet of mixed flowers
Small nosegay of mixed flowers
Dozen red roses in a red vase
Bouquet of spring flowers in a watering can
Smaller bouquet of spring flowers in watering can
Cute spring bouquet
Bouquet of red and yellow flowers
Bouquet of purple pansies in a cup
Bunch of yellow and blue pansies
Large bouquet of roses
(better on light backgrounds)
Pretty bouquet of pink roses
Blue flowers in a green vase
A basket of flowers
Pink and blue flowers
Rose bouquet
Pink roses bouquet
Multi-color rose bouquet
Violets in a teapot
A basket of lilacs
A basket of pretty mixed flowers
A mixed flower basket
Copyright©1998, 1999, 2000
The Roses
Floral Bars
Floral Bouquets
Assorted Flowers
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