The Side

Dwarves Have All the Fun

The seven dwarfs were in a Catholic church. They were sitting near the rear, and as the priest was speaking they whispered and giggled amongst themselves causing quite a disturbance. All of a sudden, Dopey stands up and hollers, "Father, are there any dwarf nuns in the church?"

"No", said the priest, "There are no dwarf nuns in the church."

A little time passed and the bunch were again whispering and giggling, causing a disturbance and noticeably angering the priest. Soon Dopey stood up again and asked, "Mr. Priest, are there any dwarf nuns in the CITY?"

"No my son, there are no dwarf nuns in the city or in the church," says the priest.

Within a few minutes, again the jokesters resume their annoying giggling to the dismay of the priest. A slightly agitated Dopey stands up and asks: "Priest, are there any dwarf nuns in the whoel STATE?"

"No my son, there are no dwarf nuns in the state, in the city and no dwarf nuns in the church!" exclaimed the priest, obviously upset.

The dwarfs continue their interference. Dopey stand up and demands, "Priest, are there any dwarf nuns in the country!"

The priest, totally angered, exclaims, "No my son, there are no dwarf nuns in the church, in the city, in the state. No dwarf nuns in the country, and there are no dwarf nuns in the whole world!

Less than a moment later could be heard from the rear of the church, "Dopey did a penguin! Dopey did a penguin!!"

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