The Side

Things I Come Across

Mostly humor, maybe a little enlightenment. Please send me anything you've got. My e-mail link is at the bottom of the page. Disclaimer: This is intended for entertianment only. Any injury to yourself or to your sensibilities is purly your fault. Check back 'cause I'll be adding stuff as it comes my way.

WARNING: EXPLICIT - This is distrubing, but funny as hell.
If you were stranded on a desert island... - who would you do?
Words - I can't really call them words of wisdom.
I will not mess with the opening credits - For those intelligent enough to enjoy the Simpsons.
Doomed interviews - How to be absolutely positively sure you don't get the job.
Who Came First? - Adam or Eve?
Etch-a-Sketch Technical Support Online - For those who have lost the manual.
Who Was Jesus, Really? - The debate rages on.
The Ultimate 80s Quiz - Oooh! I know that song! It''s...
Medical Mayhem - What exactly do we pay doctors for?
The Ultimate Poopie List - The ultimate reference guide for porcelain connoisseurs.
You're Stuck between Babyboomer and Gen-X if... - God I love the 80's.
Employment Quiz - You too can work for Bill.
The 9-Volt Battery - I'm not even touching this one.
Headlines We'd Like to See - The winners of a magazine contest.
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? - A philosophical outlook.
Size Does Matter - Get your rulers out.
English Sucks - A couple quotes on your favorite language and mine.
The Shortest Books - Ways my page sucks.
Dopey Does Dallas - Actually, it's a little colder than Dallas.
Mac Releases Jewish OS Module - It'll make ya' homesick (or just sick) for mom.
100 Ways to Annoy your Roomate - I think it's more like ways to drive then absolutely insane, but hey
A Day at the Races - Better call your bookie.
For role players and aspiring wizards - Magic is not something to take lightly.
Are You a Free Thinker? - Try it because I said so.
1001 Uses for Duct Tape - OK, so it's not quite 1001.
The Yiddish Parrot - A very talented bird.
You Might Be a Star Wars Fan if... - You already own the Special Edition and are waiting for the old ones to come back.
The Top Sexually Slanted Lines from the Holy Trilogy - You ever look at Luke's face after he "fires his shot" into the Death Star?
More Chicken Crossing, Star Wars style - It speaks for itself.
Intersting Star Wars Facts - I know most, if not all, of these are old news, but they're still worth repeating.
McDonnell Douglas Waranty Registration Card - For your newly purchased fighter jet.
Southern California Drivers Licence Application - For Those That Have Lived In LA Or Thought About It.
Culture Shock - Why I'll never become a translator.
19 Ways to Annoy Other People - Why my parents are glad I don't live at home anymore.
Deep Thought by Jack Handy - Could that have possibly been a funnier idea? I don't think so.

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