USA-M-21 "Schwarzkopf" Hover Tank:
"Soldiers, I am going to introduce you to the Schwarzkopf class Hover Tank. How ol' Stormin Norman would have loved her in Desert Storm. Faster than any other tank, heavily armed, and enough armor to withstand any amount of punishment that the enemy can dish out.
- Sgt Laura Gray, US Army Instructor
Many other nations had introduced advance tank designs long before the United States Army started considering the development of new advanced heavy tank designs. Various designs were considered before it was decided that a hover tank would be the next tank of the American Army. Many of the designers had originally of the Schwarzkopf had worked on the hover Glitterboy Transport and the hover Missile Battery previous to the tank design. While the hover tank entered official service after the Russian tank design but the Russian design was still really in the prototype stage where the American design was ready for service. The American hover tank was also faster and many engineers consider the Schwarzkopf a much better hover tank design. The hover tank was used in several minor engagements and performed above expectations. The preferred tactic was to use the tanks in overwhelming numbers. The hover tank was named for Norman Schwarzkopf, a prominent general during Desert Storm, a war in the late Twentieth Century. The name fit quite well because Desert Storm was a war of high mobility. Many tank pilot call the hover thank the "Storming Norman."
The hover is designed around powerful nuclear engines that are very similar to those carried on nuclear jet aircraft and the Schwarzkopf is incredibly fast. The top speed of the hover tank is almost 250 kilometers per hour and it is designed to keep up with other United States hovercraft designed around the same time. The American hover tank was armored better than any previous hovercraft design and was designed to be resistant to laser and plasma weaponry. The armor material is derived from the material used for Glitterboy power armors. The sides of the tank are angled to reduce the radar signature and it is covered by radar absorbing materials and has special heat masking systems. The right barrel is a powerful ion cannon which is identical to the cannon carried on the Iwo-Jima hover troop transport. The left barrel is a 65-mm high velocity rail gun capable of penetrating heavy armor. The tank has a special stabilization system to allow accurate firing of the cannon. The tank does jerk whenever heavy rail gun is fired. Mounted on the front of the tank and on top of the turret are pulse laser mounts which are effective against light vehicles, infantry, and missiles. The hover tank is also armed with medium range missile launchers and mini missile launchers. The mini missile launchers are mounted in the turret and the medium range missile launchers are mounted in the hull of the tank. The tank has the ability to track onto multiple targets. Many of the mini missile warheads carried are often smoke for concealing the tank.
Some of these tanks are still in operation after the coming of the Rifts. While most governments have taken them out of service and replaced them with new designs, the hover tanks are still very popular with mercenaries. Some of these tanks were operated by the Coalition until replaced by their new style of design. Many of the tanks still in operation have lost their radar absorbent outer layers and special resistant layers. From time to time, more of these hover tanks have been found in old military bunkers which still have these special armors. Several private companies seem to be considering manufacturing the hover tanks. The two most well known companies who are interested in the design are Northern Gun and Metalworks Incorporated.
Model Type: USA-M-21 Schwarzkopf
Vehicle Type: Hover Tank
Crew: Three (Pilot, Gunner, and Commander). The tank can carry
two passengers in a cramped rear compartment.
M.D.C. By Location:
Ion Pulse Cannon (In turret): | 100 | |
65 mm high velocity rail gun (in turret): | 100 | |
Mini-Missile Launchers (2, sides of turret): | 75 each | |
Main Weapons Turret: | 350 | |
[1] Pulse Laser Mounts (2, top of Turret and Body): | 50 each | |
Medium Range Missile Batteries (2, Sides): | 150 each | |
[1] Headlights (4): | 8 each | |
Reinforced Crew Compartment | 250 | |
[2] Hover Thruster Units: | 350 | |
[3] Main Body: | 750 |
[1] These are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the
attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Destruction of the hover unit will cause the vehicle to be no longer
under the pilots control.
[3] Destruction of the main body will cause the vehicle to crash. All
systems will not function. The tank takes half damage from plasma and laser
weaponry. Damage to the main body will also reduce the hovercraft's stealth,
for every 10% of damage to the main body, reduce the hovercraft's stealth
by 10% of its total.
Hover Speed: Can hover at ground level at from a hover to up
to 150 mph (241.4 kph) over both land and water. Minimum hover height is
2 feet (0.6 meters) and a maximum altitude is 20 feet (6.1 meters).
Maximum Range: Effectively unlimited.
Statistical Data:
Height: 10.0 feet (3.05 meters) including turret mounted mini-missile launchers.
Width: 12.5 feet (3.8 meters)
Length: 34.5 feet (10.5 meters)
Weight: 55 tons (49.9 metric tons)
Power Source: Nuclear with 25 year fusion reactor.
Cargo Capacity: The hover tank has a small storage space for
crew. This includes weapons, armors, and emergency supplies.
Market / Black Market Cost: 48.5 million credits for a new or
fully operational USA-M-21 Schwarzkopf Hover Tank.
Weapon Systems:
Sensory Equipment
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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
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