This power armor was designed by then Commander Terry Cindy Mayfair to replace the K-Universal armors that were the main armor that New Coventry Marines used. The suit is physically very similar to the Kittani K-Universal and as a result the Triax T-21. The Combat Environment Power Armor performance is excellent like the suits it copies. The suit is also slightly smaller then a Kittani K-Universal making the suit only slightly bulkier than a suit of heavy body armor or light exoskeleton. This is necessary because unlike most other marines forces, New Coventry has all of their marines in power armors and suits must be as light as possible. The designing of this armor was simply a case of reverse engineering a K-Universal and improving the design wherever possible.
The improvements to the suit are a Contra-Grav system replacing thrusters, a Nurani force field to improve protection, slightly improved armor, micro-missile launcher in each chest, and short range particle beams built into each arm to give the armor an internal weapon. Several options are also available for armor. These options include Nurani stealth camouflage and a Gravity wave sensor.
Model Type: CEPA-01
Class: Light Strategic Environmental Exo-Skeleton
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:
Rear Contra-Grav Pack (1): | 75 | |
Chest Headlight (1): | 5 | |
[1] Head: | 100 | |
[2] Main Body: | 250 | |
[3] N-50A Super heavy Naruni force field: | 160 |
[1] Destroying the head/helmet has a 1-70% chance of knocking the pilot
unconscious. If conscious, the pilot has two problems, one: no power armor
combat bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge, and two: the human head is
now vulnerable to attack. Note: The head is a small and difficult target
to hit. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a called shot
and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
[2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down
completely, making it useless. Note: Destroying the contra-grav pack will
make Flight and power jumps/leaps impossible.
[3] The force field will stop energy attacks and fast moving objects.
Slow moving objects can pas through. It Regenerates 1 MDC per melee unless
overloaded and then cannot be activated for 12 hours if overloaded. The
force field pulls its power off of the power plant.
Running: 100 mph (160 kph) maximum or leap running at 200 mph
(320 kph - described under power jumping). Note that the act of running
does tire out its operator, but at a fatigue rare of 20% less than normal
thanks to the robot exo-skeleton.
Leaping: The contra grav jet pack enables the power armor lo
leap a height of approximately 100 feet (30 m) high or 600 feet (183 m)
long in a power jump.
Power Jumping and Travel: Getting a running start will enable
the individual to leap up to 600 feet (91.5 m) up or lengthwise. The height
of the leap is controlled by the pilot. By leaping, landing, continuing
to run a few dozen yards/meters, and power leaping again, the operator
can attain and maintain, en impressive ground speed of 200 mph (320 kph),
even through light forest (speed should be reduced 40% through dense vegetation
or hazardous terrain to avoid accidents). Directional control is nearly
total, but engaging contra-grav pack to avoid a collision or bad lending
may slow one's speed. Also the Flight capabilities enable the pilot to
stop in mid-air if necessary.
Contra-Grav flight system: The contra-grav propulsion system
enables the armor hover in a stationary at any altitude and fly at a maximum
speed of 200 mph (320 kph). The contra-grav system makes the armor trans-
atmospheric and armor can accelerate at up to 0.5 Gs of acceleration.
Statistical Data:
Height: 7.5 feet (2.3 meters)
Width: 4.2 feet (1.3 meters)
Length: About 3 feet (0.9 meters)
Weight: 180 lbs (81.7 kilograms) with jet pack
Physical Strength: Equal to P.S. 30.
Cargo: very limited, has a special integral Equipment, Ammo,
E-Clip carriers, and a holster on armors waist.
Power System: Nuclear; average life is 10 years.
Cost: 2.2 million credits, Camouflage system costs an additional
200,000 credits, and gravity wave sensor costs 1 million credits. The Standard
New Coventry version has both systems.
Weapon Systems:
Sensor System of Note:
Has all the standard sensors of Three Galaxies power armors plus the
following special systems.
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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 1998, Kitsune. All rights reserved.