Consordium of Civilized Worlds Dartrok Free Worlds Council Human Alliance Forces Military MacKenzie Corporation Naruni Industries New Coventry Pheonix Armory Ralsiian Star Empire REF in the Three Galaxies Trans-Galactic Empire Tri-Galactic Military Service United Worlds Warlock Wolfen Xanadu Station Independents |
Introduction: On this page, you will find a vast number of vehicles designed for the Phase World Universe. Covered are both military and civilian designs. The website includes expansions on most of the major Governments as well an new groups and independents. All starships on the page conform to my Revised Starship Rules for Phase World Some material is modified versions of vehicles created by Palladium Books although there are many new creations as well. Most designs have extensive background on them. The Author of this website has very high standards to what will be accepted on their web page but if you think you have a design that qualifies, the author will be glad to look at it and let you know if it is good enough to accept on my page and try and give some constructive critism. The website author will attempt to get back to all who submit designs. In some cases, the author of the Website may wish to make some alterations to designs so they fit better within my website. As well, any space capable vehicles must work with my revised starship systems and not have top speeds but acceleration in Gs (Gravities) or percentage of light. For Vehicles on Rifts Earth and in Mutants in Orbit, click Here to view them. Vehicles from Kitsune's Science Fiction Conversions have their own page. Click Here to view them. Date in Parentheses () is the last date modified or when the file was added to the website. |
The last few years have been an exciting and terrifying time in the Three Galaxies. In the last few years we have seen the introduction of many new weapon systems and starships. Several simple planets governments building their space forces to respectable standards and have been able to influance ship design outside of their own domain. New Coventry must be acknowledged is this in having introduced a new and very effctive point defense array. As well, the Human Alliance has been modernising their forces to the point that they can now be considered about equal to the Consortium Armed Forces. The Consortium Armed Forces has developed new weapon systems and the graser is the next step in heavy beam weaponry. The Transgalatic Empire has come up with some very powerful new ships that there is some concern may be used to start a new war with the Consortium. The United World Warlock have developed new starship classes that are much closer in technology than previous classes were. Finally, a new force has arrived in the Three Galaxies that call themselves the Robotech Expeditionary Force with very advanced faster than light propulsion.
Covered in this guide are many of the newly developed vehicles as well as older ship class that had been droped out of previous guides. These lists include civilian as well as military vehicles.
Vice Admiral Elizabeth Golden, Consortium Armed Forces Navy, Retired