Phoenix Armory Glitter Boy:

When people coming from Rifts Earth hear the word Glitterboy used on Phase World or elsewhere within the Three Galaxies, they think of what is available on Rifts Earth. This is of course not true.
The reality is that Glitterboys manufactured in the Three Galaxies far outstrip their Earth counterparts. This is due simply to the fact that although the first Glitterboys may have been build on Rifts Earth, the technology of the Three Galaxies is far more advanced than that of Rifts Earth. When the first Glitterboys arrived on Phase World many weapon manufacturers liked the idea and the strenght of the design, even more so when it became obvious that there was room for considerable technological improvement.

Nowadays many manufacturers in the Three Galaxies manufacture glitterboys on assembly lines, shipping them out of their factories in the hundreds and thousands.

Phoenix Armory rose from the ashes of a wellknown but now sadly defunct company, and manufactures many weapons and weaponsystems that are virtual copies of the old company`s lineup. Soo too is it with the Phoenix Armory Glitterboy.

Their Glitterboy design is fairly typical for modern Glitterboys produced in the Three Galaxies. It does not look much like a USA-G10 in it outer appearance, being rather more blocky and square . This is because the Glitterboy produced by Phoenix Armory has a special armor, which has mixed into the laser resistant material a second material that partially disperses the energy from plasma weapons. The original design called for a mixture which dispersed Particle beam energy, but that formula was lost in the breakup of the parent company. Therefore the new armor had to be designed. The formula to produce the armor is secret and no other companies have been able to duplicate it. PA sells repair material for these armors for this reason.

The power armor is armed with an advanced Boom Gun that uses gravitics instead of electro-magnetics. Due to having gravitic stablizing systems, the power armor does not need to plant before firing, allowing the pilot to fire while crouched, lying down or even running!. The rail gun can be swapped for a powerful variable frequency laser cannon. The power armor has a powerful laser on the left shoulder that can be used for burst firing as well as being very powerful in single shot mode. Many other glitterboy designs in the Three Galaxies have many mini-missile launchers but the PA Glitterboy only has a few relatively small launchers in the chest and the legs. While the Glitterboy is not Build "as is" with a Naruni Force field, many owners have them put in after the armors are purchased, adding greatly to the survivability of the design. In fact, the engineers have improved upon the original design by allowing for spaces inside of the armor into which can fit a Naruni Forcefield generator. This allows a easy install of such generators, which means that the cost for such a item can be up to 20 percent lower than normal!

Model Type: PA-GB1 Phoenix Armory Glitter Boy Mark Two
Class: Laser/Plasma Resistant Armored Infantry Personnel Assault Unit
Crew: One

M.D.C. by Location:
Gravitic Rail Gun / Boom Gun (1; over right shoulder):200
[1] Tactical Laser (1; left shoulder)100
PA-V-100 Variable Frequency Laser Cannon (optional)200
[1] Mini-Missile Launcher (1, chest):120
[1] Mini-Missile Launchers (4, 2 per leg):70
[2] Head:300
[1] Hands (2):100 each
Arms (2):300 each
Legs (2):500 each
[3] Main Body:820
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment:150
Backpack Contra-Grav Flight Systems (Rear):250

1] These locations are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Note that the Head is -3 in addition to normal called shot penalties to hit. Destroying the head will expose the pilot's head, leaving only the pilot's body armor helmet as its only protection. Note: The head is a small and difficult target to hit. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
[3] Depleting the Main Body MDC will shut the Glitter Boy down making it useless.. Note: All Power Armor locations are both laser and Plasma resistant. The material has an extra component that causes it to be plasma resistant. Reduce all such damage by 50%.

Running: 120 mph (193.1 kph) maximum
Leaping: The powerful robot legs, assisted by the thrusters, can leap up to 60 feet (18.3 m) high or across, or 20 feet (6m) without the thrusters. Add 12 feet (3.6m) with a running start. Note that leaping height and distance on the moon and micro gravity is doubled.
Flight: The enhanced contra grav thrusters provide limited flight in an atmosphere and greater speed and mobility in zero gravity. The PA-GB1 can hover at any altitude above the ground and fly at a speed of 200 mph (320 kph) in an atmosphere and Earth-type gravity. The contra-grav system makes the armor trans- atmospheric and armor can accelerate at up to 0.2 Gs of acceleration. Due to the Contra-Grav there is no altitude limit and armor can fly into space.
Underwater: The armor can travel up to a maximum speed of 40 mph (64 kmph) to a maximum depth of 1000 feet (310 m).
Range: The Armors range is unlimited. The Contra-Grav system does not overheat. The only limit is the pilots endurance.

Statistical Data:
Height: 11 feet (3.35 meters)
Width: 4 feet, 4 inches (1.3 meters)
Length: 4 feet (1.2 meters)
Weight: 2 tons, fully loaded
Physical Attributes of Note: Equal to a PS 40 and Spd 176
Cargo: Minimal storage space, about a 1 foot compartment, and storage for a rifle, handgun, survival knife, and a first-aid kit.
Power System: Advanced Fusion; Average energy life is 25 years
Market Cost: 50 million credits and up for a new, undamaged, fully powered Glitter Boy complete with a Boom Gun. 30 million for a rebuilt GB or without a Boom Gun.

Weapons Systems:

  1. Main Weapon Shoulder Mount:
    1. GRG-14X Rapid Acceleration Gravitic Rail Gun (1): This gun is similar in size and abilities to the famous "Boom Gun" on the standard Glitterboy on Earth but the reality is that the weapon uses gravitics instead of electro-magnetics to fire the ammunition at hypersonic speeds. The most common round is a single solid MDC dart. This inflicts more damage than flechette rounds but flechette rounds are still used against fast moving targets due to covering a wider area. These include fighters, missiles, and flying power armors. Flechette rounds can also be used and inflict less damage but have a +2 additional bonus to strike fast moving flying targets. The gun has no real recoil and does not need the stabilizing systems of the Rifts Earth boom gun but the hypersonic round created a transonic boom when fired in an atmosphere
      Weight of the Rail Gun: 865 lbs (392.4 kg)
      Mega-Damage: Solid Slug: 4D4x10+60 (optional rule is that cannon gets a critical on a natural 18, 19, or 20 due to its high penetration). Flechette: 3D6x10+20 and is capable against fast moving flying targets
      Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot and his power armor (usually 4-6, see Power Armor Training). Bursts and sprays are not possible.
      Maximum Effective Range: 24,000 feet (7.2 km) in an atmosphere. Range is eight times normal when used in space.
      Payload: 100 rounds. Unlike some of the power armor suits, the Glitter Boy's Boom Gun can be reloaded by hand, one round at a time. It will take 15 minutes to load 40 rounds. A carrying drum of 40 rounds is sometimes used to carry extra rounds. The drum has 30 MDC and can attach to the hip/waist or left forearm.
    2. PA-V-100 Variable Frequency Laser Cannon (optional): The standard rail cannon can be replaced with the PA-200 Laser Cannon. This is a high-powered laser weapon that can be adjusted to vary the light frequency of the laser to blast through reflective and laser resistant armor. The first two (2) blasts do half damage, but the weapon's computer automatically adjusts the light frequency to compensate for the laser resistant surface, so all subsequent attacks do full damage, even to GB's. The weapon is hooked into the armor's nuclear power supply eliminating the need of an external power pack.
      Weight of the Laser Cannon: 670 lbs (121.5 kg)
      Mega-Damage (2 Settings): Lower Setting: 2D4x10+20 M.D, Higher Setting: 5D6x10 M.D. per blast
      Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot and his power armor (usually 4-6, see Power Armor Training). Bursts and sprays are not possible.
      Maximum Effective Range: 16,000 feet (4.8 km) in an atmosphere. Range is eight times normal when used in space.
      Payload: Lower Setting: Effectively Unlimited, Higher Setting: 20 blasts in a capacitor. The capacitor regenerates 1 shot per minute.
  2. PA-300 Shoulder-Mounted Tactical Laser: This laser is built onto the left shoulder and is in reality is a copy of the CAF HI-300 infantry support laser rifle. It is both powerful and compact and plugs into the power armors power supply eliminating the need of an external power pack or E-Clip. Like the Boom Gun it can be aimed by simply looking at a target.
    Weight: 18.5 lbs (8.4 kg).
    Mega Damage: 6D6+6 per single shot, 2D6x10+20 for a rapid fire three shot burst, or use machine gun burst rules for higher burst setting.
    Rate of Fire: Single Shot, Three Round Burst, and Extended Bursts (Use Machine Gun burst rules).
    Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet (1,220 meters) in an atmosphere. Range is eight times normal when used in space.
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
  3. Mini-Missile Launcher (chest): A chest-mounted launcher that stores a total of 16 missiles in the torso of the armor. Missile has a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light per turn (slightly faster than any starship except if it is exceeding it maximum safe acceleration).
    Mega-Damage: Varies with mini missile type (See Phase World Missiles).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two or four.
    Maximum Effective Range: Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space
    Payload: 16 total, 8 per launcher.
  4. Mini-Missile Launcher (2/leg): on each side of the armors legs is a launcher that stores a total of 4 missiles. These take most of the place that was originally meant for the planting system with its anti-sway pylons. Missile has a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light per turn (slightly faster than any starship except if it is exceeding it maximum safe acceleration).
    Mega-Damage: Varies with mini missile type (See Phase World Missiles).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two or four.
    Maximum Effective Range: Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space
    Payload: 16 total, 4 per launcher.
  5. Handheld Weapons: The Glitter Boy can use almost any handheld weapon wich can be held by large powered armors, incluiding plasma guns, lasers and, (a favorite) the Silverhawk Multi rifle! All of these can be patched into the power supply of the armor, giving them a unlimited payload.
  6. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon the pilot may engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See the Power Armor Combat Training Section of the Rifts RPG for Specifics. Combat Bonuses: +2 on Initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, and +4 to Roll with Punch, Fall, or Impact (very shock resistant). Also has the attribute bonuses of a PS of 40: +25 SDC damage. All bonuses are in addition to normal power armor training.

Special Equipment:
Has all the normal sensors of power armors in the Three Galaxies plus the following special features.

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Image drawn and copyrighted by Timothy Leard ( .
More Timothy Leard artwork at Elfwood (go to Zone 47 gallery 22, or Lothlorien gallery 115)

By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ) and

Mischa Campen (E-Mail Mischa)

Based on ideas by Harold Nichols (

Copyright © 2000, Kitsune & Mischa. All rights reserved.

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