Death Fortress class System Defense Platform:

While the Trans-Galactic Empire has smaller System Defense Platforms, most people will think of this design when they are asked about T.G.E. System Defense Platforms. They are not the most common platforms within Kreeghor space but they are the most feared. This fear is not limited to the external enemies of the Kreeghor. The platforms may protect the planet that they are in orbit of but they also are a threat that if the planet goes out of line, the platform will kill all life on the planet. The platforms are the basis of the Doombringer dreadnought and the capital ship might even be considered a mobile version of the System Defense Platform. The Death Fortress actually predates the Doombringer in design. The platforms are capable of fighting large numbers of enemy ships but are actually more vulnerable that the dreadnoughts because they are not mobile. Only the most major systems are protected by these platforms and there are only a couple of dozen of the platforms total with four of them in the Kreeghor home system. Mostly administrative centers and shipyards are protected by these platforms. No other system besides the home world has more than one platform in it. In reality, most systems in Kreeghor space do not have any form of defense platforms. Each platform in the homes system is a separate command and the commanders have orders to fire on any other platform if it goes rogue. The only enemy who has ever engaged one of these platforms was the R.E.F. when they took the system that contained Scarlet's World and Tarin. The Death Fortress in that system was completely obliterated and the R.E.F. has never released any information about the engagement. Damage to R.E.F vessels was said to be light though. The Consortium never penetrated far enough into Kreeghor held territory during the war between the Consortium and the Empire. The Free World Council has never had to fight one of these huge weapon's platforms although there is information that they have been considering how to attack one of these platforms.

The Death Fortress platform has much in common in appearance with other Kreeghor starships but is more round in design with weapon systems designed to fire in all direction to a larger extent than most starships. The ship does not have full contra-grav propulsion but does have maneuvering systems to enable the main battery to be pointed at an enemy. The weapon's platform is slightly larger than a Kreeghor Dreadnought. The Death Fortress has as powerful shields as a standard Doombringer and has even heavier armor. Still, the mobility of the Doombringer gives it many advantages. It is considered that the System Defense Platforms are far less expensive to construct than Doombringers due to them not having any real form of propulsion and no faster than light systems.

The main weapon's layout is very similar to the Doombringer although more weapons are carried in some cases. The ship has two huge horn laser cannons which make up the central spine of the ship and fire from what is considered the forward portion of the platform and are for the most part fixed forward although they can rotate a few degrees to track targets. They are backed by eight more large anti ship lasers which while smaller than the main battery, they are still capable of destroying most enemies in just a few shots. These weapons are also carried on the Kreeghor dreadnought but there are only six of them carried on the Doombringer. Only battleship sized vessels and larger can take a pounding from these weapons for any length of time. The platform also carries eight heavy particle beams that are shorter ranged and less powerful. These weapons have a much higher rate of fire than the heavy lasers and are designed to engage attacking destroyers and frigates. These weapons are also carried on the Kreeghor dreadnought design. The Death Fortress also carries both combination laser and mini-missile and combination rail gun and mini-missile launchers in large numbers as point defense. Slightly more point defense mounts are carried and thirty of each type of point defense mount is carried on the system platform. The Death Fortress carries twice as many cruise missile launchers compared to the Doombringer and has a much higher payload per launcher. It is likely that the weapon systems will be upgraded when resources become available with the particle beams being replaced by heavy anti-ship rail guns like are carried on the Eradicator class Battlecruiser and the longer ranged heavy capital missile launchers replacing the normal cruise missile launchers.

One of the main purposes of the Death Fortress is to act as support for fighter squadrons. The Death Fortress carries a total of twelve hundred fighters which is even more than the Doombringer. Most of these fighters are standard Flying Fang fighters although each platform carries some of the bomber variant of the Flying Fang. These platforms are not likely to have the new Sharktooth light fighters assigned to them for several years due to the demand for the newer fighters in more forward positions. Clearly showing their mistrust of the citizens of the planets, these platforms have Rain of Death troop transports assigned to them. The idea seems to be so that they can pacify small areas on the planet they are orbiting. The reality is that they are more likely to do a bombardment of that area. The platforms also carry a huge number of marines and power armors partially for pacification role and partially for internal defense.

The System Defense Platform design uses modified starship speeds and weapon ranges. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Model Type: TIV-DF-SDP-1
Vehicle Type: System Defense Platform
Crew: 3,000
Troops: 10,000 Marines and 2,000 Fighter Pilots

Vehicle, Robots, and Power Armors:
Power Armors:
3,500Warlord Mark I
1,500Warlord Mark II
Fighter Compliment:
800FF-100 Standard Flying Fangs
400FFB-120 Flying Fang Bombers (Carries 4 Cruise missiles)
8Rain of Death Transports

M.D.C. By Location:
144 cm Horn Laser Cannons (2):6,000 each
25 cm Secondary Laser Cannons (8):2,000 each
Heavy Particle Beam Cannons (8):1,200 each
Cruise Missile Batteries (8):900 each
Point Defense Laser/Missile Batteries (30):350 each
GR Cannons/Missile Batteries (30):400 each
Outer Hull (40 ft/ 12.2 m Area):250
Inner Hull (40 ft/ 12.2 m Area):125
[1] Bridge:120,000
[1] Secondary Bridge:120,000
Hanger Bay:120,000
[2] Main Body:500,000
[3] Variable Force Field:15,000 a side (90,000 Total)

[1] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon to hit the bridge through the platform's armor. This platform also has an auxiliary bridge. Even if both bridges are taken out, the platform can still be controlled from engineering but all weapon systems will be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridge that do not penetrate the platform's integrity can injure crew members on or near the bridge.
[2] Depleting the MDC of the main body will put the System Defense Platform out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The platform itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck.
[3] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (4,500 MDC)

Does not move; however, the System Defense Platform has station keeping Contra-Grav thrusters and can rotate rapidly so it can bring all weapon mounts to bear in all directions necessary.

Statistical Data:
Length: 10,500 feet (3,200 meters)
Height: 2,000 feet (610 meters)
Width: 6,500 feet (1980 meters)
Weight: 180 million tons (163 million metric tons) fully loaded
Power System: Anti-Matter with a 50 year life span. The ship normally only goes 10 years between refueling and refitting.
Cargo: Cargo holds are scattered about the platform that allows for carrying up to 60 million tons of cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition. Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Platform's officers have more space for personal items. Most of the platform's spaces are taken up by extra ammunition, armor, troops, weapons, engine, and other equipment.
Market Cost: 35 billion to construct. These platforms have never been offered for sale on the market by the Kreeghor Military. Because they need to be disassembled for transport, it is unlikely any will ever be offered for sale.


  1. Two (2) 144 cm Horn Cannons: These cannons identical to the horn cannons on a standard Kreeghor Dreadnought and are primarily fixed forward. The cannons only have a small rotational ability but are capable of crippling a cruiser easily or inflicting severe damage against a battleship. The weapon system cannot be used to engage targets while traveling at FTL velocities. Weapons have standard penalties to hit fighters and small targets for a large gun.
    Maximum Effective Range: 120,000 miles (192,000) in space and 120 miles (192,000 km) in atmosphere.
    Mega-Damage: 4D4x1,000 M.D. each (8D4x1,000 for both).
    Rate of Fire: Each one can be fired once every other melee round.
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
  2. Eight (8) 25 cm Secondary Laser Cannons: Identical weapon system as on a standard Kreeghor dreadnought but eight cannons are carried instead of six on the dreadnought. Up to two cannons can be combined into one attack and three Batteries. Can easily destroy a frigate or destroyer in one shot. The barrels can be fired either forward and can be rotated 60 degrees horizontally or vertically. The weapon system cannot be used to engage targets while traveling at FTL velocities. Weapons have standard penalties to hit fighters and small targets for a large gun.
    Maximum Effective Range: 100,000 miles (160,000 km) in space and 100 miles (160 km) in atmosphere.
    Mega-Damage: 1D4x1,000 M.D. each (2D4x1,000 for two cannons)
    Rate of Fire: Each one can be fired once every melee round.
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
  3. Eight (8) Heavy Particle Beam Cannons: Like the Laser Batteries, they are identical to the particle beam cannons on a standard Dreadnought. These cannons cannot be linked and are used against large targets similarly to the targets fired at with the heavy laser batteries.
    Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 miles (6,400 Km) in space and 4 miles (6.4 km) in an atmosphere.
    Mega-Damage: 2D4x100 M.D. each
    Rate of Fire: Equal to gunners hand to hand
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited
  4. Point Defense Lasers/Mini Missile Batteries (30): Weapons are mounted around the ship for point defense. Missiles have a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light per turn (slightly faster than any starship except if it is exceeding it maximum safe acceleration) in space. Missile launchers can launch on multiple targets each at the same time.
    Maximum Effective Range: Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space. Lasers have a range of 1 mile in an atmosphere and 100 miles in space.
    Mega-Damage: Laser cannon does 3D4x10 M.D. Missiles vary by missile type (See Phase World Missiles).
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the Gunner (usually 4 or 5). Missiles are fire one at a time or in volleys of two or four missiles
    Payload: Laser has effectively unlimited payload. Has 32 missiles at each launcher (has many more in storage holds).
  5. 22 mm GR Rail Gun/Mini Missile Batteries (30): Weapons are mounted around the ship for point defense. Rail gun projectile speed should be considered to be close to the speed of light. Missiles have a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light per turn (slightly faster than any starship except if it is exceeding it maximum safe acceleration) in space. Missile launchers can launch on multiple targets each at the same time.
    Maximum Effective Range: Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space. Rail gun has a range of 1 mile in an atmosphere and 100 miles in space.
    Mega-Damage: GR-Cannon does 3D6x10 M.D for a 40 round burst. Missiles vary by missile type (See Phase World Missiles).
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the Gunner (usually 4 or 5). Missiles are fire one at a time or in volleys of two or four missiles
    Payload: GR Cannon has 8000 rounds/ 200 Bursts each, has 32 missiles at each launcher (has many more in storage holds).
  6. Eight (8) Cruise Missile Batteries: The ship carries eight launchers to launch cruise missiles, Ship has six forward firing batteries and two rear firing batteries. Missiles have a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship). Since starships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missiles will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting starships (Great for hitting bases and planets because the target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) Cruise missiles have minuses to hit small targets but are all considered smart missiles. Each battery can launch on multiple targets each.
    Maximum Effective Range: Missile range is 8000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space.
    Mega-Damage & Properties: See Phase World Missiles (Anti-Matter does 4D6x100 MDC).
    Rate of fire: Volleys of 10 per launcher, per melee round, for a total of 80 missiles per melee. Launchers are reloaded on the same melee and can be fired again on the next.
    Payload: 640 total, 80 cruise missiles per launcher

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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).

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