REF Excaliber MK VIII:

Like most other designs, the REF in the Three Galaxies found it easiest to work from previous designs of Mecha instead of coming out with completely new designs. Needing a heavy combat robot, one of the first new designs to come from the Factory Satellite was the Excaliber MK VIII. In combat on various planets, the Excaliber has done well and is considered a success by both engineers and mecha jocks alike. The problem is that the mecha has been outperformed by the new Glitterboy model in combat. They are less expensive to construct have 60% of the capability of an Excaliber, and are far more mobile. The Excaliber still is considered very important for a simple reason. This is because the Excaliber can be operated for far longer periods of time than the Gliterboy can because the Mecha carried more supplies and has a more comfortable cockpit. The ideal solution is to operate both and exact mixes and roles is up to the situation the vehicles are being used in.

The REF Excaliber design looks very different than the original RDF Excaliber but the Phase World version looks much like the standard Sentinels models. The Mecha does have some important differences in appearance though. The main cannon on the left arm has been replaced with two smaller particle beams on the left arm, The tri-lasers have been replaced by duel rail guns, and the number of missiles launchers have been radically increased. Other than this and some cosmetic styling, the Mecha looks identical to the original REF model.

The Mecha has all standard equipment for a REF Mecha and also has al standard equipment for robot vehciles operated within the Three Galaxies. The power system is exclusively fusion with the only protoculture systems are to increase the response speed of the Excaliber. The armor on the vehicle has ben greatly increased compared to older models and can take far greater damage. Unfortunately, the vehicle is to large to adapt for force fields similar to Naruni vehicles so the Excaliber does not have that advantage. While the ability of the vehicle to withstand damage is less than some vehicles within the Three Galaxies, the robot vehicle carries two incredibly powerful particles beams that inflict huge amount of damage and can often blow through force fields in a very small number of shots. These particle beams are copied from the one carried on the Space Glitterboy. For the head weapons, there was a huge debate between the designers what would be the best. The two positions were unlimited shots or the ability of inflict damage on targets that are impervious to energy weapons. Being able to inflict damage on targets that are impervious to energy weapons won out and the Excaliber carries two rail guns that are virtually copies of the GR-15AR mounted into control mounts. The missile launchers are similar to those carried originally but the payload has been increased and Phase World missile designs are being used.

Model Type: Excaliber MK-VIII
Vehicle Type: Destroid
Crew: One or Two

M.D.C. by location:
Particle beam cannons (2, Left Forearm)250
[1] Duel Gravitic Rail-Guns Head:180
Head Gravitic Rail-Guns (2):50 each
Mini-Missile Launchers (2):220 each
Shoulder Missile Launchers (2):350 each
Hands (2)175 each
Right Forearm (1):225
Upper Arms (2):200 each
Legs (2):400 each
Main Body:750
Reinforced Pilots Compartment250

[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the Head will disable the lasers (none can shoot)
[2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the mecha down completely, rendering it useless. Note: Lasers do half damage.

Running: 90 mph (144.8 kph) maximum with a cruising speed of about 50 mph (80.5 kph). Unlike power armors, running does no tire out the operator.
Jumping: 120 feet (36.6 meters) lengthwise or 60 feet (18.3 meters) up.
Climbing: Is possible but is awkward. The pilot has a climb skill of 30%+3% per level of the pilot. The pilot gets a 10% bonus is they have the climbing skill.
Underwater: The Excaliber can walk along the bottom of the sea floor at 25% of maximum speed.
Maximum Ocean Depth: 2 mile (3.2 km)
Range: Limited only by the pilot's endurance. Emergency food and air supply will keep the pilot alive for a week.

Statistical Data:
Height: 27 feet (8.2 meters).
Width: 18 feet 6 inches (5.6 meters).
Length: 11 feet 2 inches (3.4 meters)
Weight: 21.4 tons (19.4 metric tons) fully loaded.
Physical Strength: Equal to Robotic P.S. 55
Power System: Advanced Fusion (25 Years). Uses one protoculture cells for special systems (100 Year Duration), mainly control systems only. The protoculture system has a special anti-tampering device.
Cargo: Minimal space is available in the pilots compartment, but there is a 5 ft x 5 ft x 3 ft space behind cockpit
Market Cost: Not Sold, If found it would probably be worth 85 million for a new, undamaged, and fully operation Mecha complete with weapons.

Weapons Systems:

  1. PBC-20-EX Rapid Acceleration Particle Beam Cannons (2): Instead of having one particle beam on the left forearm, the Mecha carries two on the right arm. These cannons are a close copy to the Particle carried by the USA-G14 Space Glitterboy. The main change is that the weapons range has been vastly increased by phase world technology and both cannons can be fired together. The one weakness the weapon systems have is that the weapon draws more power than the Mecha's fusion reactor can produce. The REF added two very high capacity capacitors to store shots for the cannon. The weapon system does not have the laser cannons that were part of the original weapon system. Both cannons can be fired simultaneously.
    Mega-Damage: Single Cannon Shot: 4D6x10 per blast. Double Cannon Shot: 8D6x10.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually 4-6)
    Maximum Effective Range: 22,000 feet ( about 4 miles, 6.4 km) in an atmosphere and 200 miles (320 km) in space
    Payload: 80 blasts in a capacitor. The capacitor regenerates 4 shot per minute.
  2. Head Mounted Rapid Fire GR-Gun Turret: Twin multi-barreled gravity rail gun a mounted in the center of the chest. These mounts are used as anti-missile defense and for backup for the forearm weapons. Unlike the original weapon systems, these can be operated on fully automated. The gun can either be put on automatic or can be fired by the pilot. On independent has +4 to strike and has 6 attacks per melee and gives +3 for gunner to use if he is targeting and firing.
    Mega-Damage: A burst is 120 rounds (60 from each barrel) and does 4D4x10 M.D. Can only fire bursts. Reduce damage by half if one barrel is destroyed.
    Rare of Fire: Equal to the combined number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot or by automatic (6 attacks per melee).
    Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m) in an atmosphere and 56.8 miles (91.4 km) in space
    Payload: 6000 rounds in back-mounted magazine; that's 50 bursts.
  3. Shoulder Missile Launchers (2): A short range missile launcher is mounted in each shoulder. The missile pack protects the shoulder and are heavily armored. These launchers have the payload increase by four each launcher when compared to the original launchers. The missile launchers can either be controlled by the pilot or by the second crew member if present. Special sublight missiles are used in place of conventional missiles. Missiles have a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 4% of light per turn (faster than any starship except if it is acceding it maximum safe acceleration). Missiles can be launched on multiple targets simultaneously. Smart Missiles are normally used in launchers.
    Range: Missile range is 10 miles (16.1 km) in an atmosphere and 500 miles (804.7 km) in space.
    Mega Damage: Varies with phase world missile type (See Phase World Missiles).
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, six, twelve, sixteen, or all (32). The number of volleys a character can fire is equal to his combined hand to hand attacks per melee. One volley counts as one attack regardless of number of missiles.
    Payload: each shoulder pod contains a total of 16 short range missiles each launcher pod for a total of 32 short range missiles.
  4. GR-100 Mini Missile Launchers (2): The launchers are mounted above and behind each of the shoulders of the Destroid. The system automatically reloads when missiles are fired and can fire volleys from two missiles to six missiles. The storage for missile reloads is on the back of the Destroid. The missile launchers can either be controlled by the pilot or by the second crew member if present. Missile has a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light per turn (slightly faster than any starship except if it is acceding it maximum safe acceleration) Note: The mini missile launcher cannot be used when the hatch for the short range missile launchers are open due to the fact that the lid is in the way of the mini missile launcher and an interlock prevents the firing of mini missiles in these situations. In the original REF Excaliber, there was no interlock but it was added to all new style Excaliber Mecha to prevent damage.
    Range: Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space.
    Mega Damage: As per Missile Type (See Phase World Missiles).
    Rate of Fire: Volleys of two, four, six, or eight. Remember, one volley counts as one attack regardless of the number of missile.
    Payload: Thirty (30) mini missiles per launcher for a total of sixty (60) mini missiles
  5. Optional Hand to Hand: Treat as the same as the original hand to hand combat except increase the damages as listed.

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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
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