Invincible class light fleet carrier/ Sir Percival class assault carrier:

This was the first large starship design built by New Coventry and the class is in many ways the basis for their fleets. The construction of the class is also the original reason for the need for them to build a shipyard. They wanted a carrier class smaller than the Packmaster or the older Intrepid Class carriers. The Normandy class assault carrier was also to large for their plans but in addition was not constructed to fleet standards. The most cost effect plan was to construct the Invincible class light fleet carrier and a modified version for planetary assaults. Since the ships have entered New Coventry service, several other planets within the C.A.F. have ordered these carrier and due to te fact that New Coventry cannot keep up with demand are considering licencing the construction. They will not sell the design to parties outside of C.A.F. space and will not sell the design to Mercenaries.

On both designs, the hull, frame, and weapon systems are identical. The ships are constructed in modular parts. This allows for both quicker construction, quicker repairs, and for more repair parts to be shared between the two classes. The ship classes is fast at both sublight and F.T.L. speeds. If the ship has any weaknesses, it is that the weapon systems are on the heavy side for a carrier. This uses space that could be used for more fighters but does have the advantage that it has the firepower to deal with cruisers as well as frigates. The weapons are also very useful if the ship is called on for ground bombardment.

There is a heavily modified version of the ship that New Coventry sells as well. It is the Cutty Sark class cargo ship.It is not constructed as heavily reinforced as the carrier designs and has main body of 40,000, the shield are 20,000 and not variable, does not have a secondary bridge, does not have the cruise missile launchers or heavy laser cannons, and is limited to 20% of light with an acceleration of 0.4% of light per turn. This version has 4 cargo shuttles, has a crew of 120 (10 officers and 100 Ordinary Crew), and can carry 350,000 tons of cargo. It costs 1.6 billion credits.

This starship design uses modified starship speed and ranges. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World for more details.

Model Types: CVL-04 Invincible class Light Fleet Carrier / LCV-05 Sir Percival class Planetary Assault Carrier
Vehicle Type: Light Carrier or Planetary Assault Carrier

Troops: Vehicles:
Power Armors:
120640Combat Environment Power Armors
8080SH-CCW100 Silverhawk Attack ExoSkeleton
Fighter Compliment:
7212CSF-4 Badger class Light Interceptors
244SF-101LR Black Eagle medium fighter
244SF-101I-LR Storm Eagle medium interceptor
244BIF-67 Katana fighter ship
40CMS-1X Spitfire Heavy Modular Starfighter
Assault Shuttles:
08CAF Assault Shuttles
Tanks & Other Vehicles:
064Nurani Juggernaut Heavy Tanks

M.D.C By Location:
12 cm Laser Cannons (8):800 each
GR-1000 Rail Gun Turrets (8):250 each
Point Defense Particle Beam Turrets (8):200 each
Tachyon Scatterguns (8):200 each
Cruise Missile Launchers (2):1000 each
Long Range Missile Batteries (2):800 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers (8):500 each
Outer Hull (40 ft/ 12.2 m Area):200
Inner Hull (40 ft/ 12.2 m Area):150
[1] Bridge:12,000
[1] Auxiliary Bridge:12,000
Hanger Doors (32):4,000 each
[2] Main Engines (2):15,000 each
[3] Main Body:60,000
[4] Variable Force Field:5,000 per side (60,000 Total)

[1] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon to hit the bridge. This ship does have an auxiliary bridge. The ship can still be piloted from engineering but ship is -3 to dodge. All weapon systems will be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridge can injure crew members near the bridge.
[2] Depleting the MDC of the main body will put the Ship out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck.
[3] Destroying the main engines means that ship FTL systems are destroyed and maximum sublight speed is reduced by half.
[4] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (3000 MDC)

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 60 percent of the speed of light. Star Ship can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 0.8 percent of light per melee.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is 250 mph (402 kph), can enter an atmosphere and can leave but is not designed for atmospheric flight
Stardrive: Uses a Gravitonic Drive system that allows the ship to reach a maximum of 5 lightyears per hour.
Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by either Drive system. carries about four years worth of supplies on board.

Statistical Data:
Length: 1,250 feet (381 meters)
Height: 600 feet (57.1 meters)
Width: 400 feet (141.7 meters)
Weight/Mass: 455,000 tons (404.1 metric tons)
Power System: Anti-Matter with a 50 year life span
CVL-04: Cargo holds are scattered about the ship that allows for carrying up to 40,000 tons of Cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.
LCV-05: Cargo holds are scattered about the ship that allows for carrying up to 90,000 tons of Cargo in addition to standard compliment of supplies and ammunition.
Market Cost: The Fleet carrier and Assault carrier designs sell for around 12 billion credits (cost around 8 billion each to construct).


  1. Eight (8) 12 cm Heavy Laser cannons: Used as one of the ships secondary batteries. Two are located on the front, two are located on each side, and two are located on the back. All the weapons on a side may be combined as one attack or used separately. They cannot be used faster than the speed of light. Weapon has standard minuses to hit fighters and small targets. The barrels can be can be rotated 180 degrees in all directions. Up to two may be fired as one volley.
    Range: 16 miles (25.8 km) through atmosphere and 16,000 miles (25,800 km) in space.
    Mega Damage: 2D6x100 MDC each or up to 4D6x100 for two cannons..
    Rate of fire: Maximum of Two (2) times per melee each.
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
  2. Eight (8) GR1000 Large Rail Guns: used as an anti-Starfighter and missile weapon and against targets that are impervious to energy. Six are located on the front, Five are located on each side, and Four are located on the back. Each Rail Gun is in a Turret that can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Projectiles come out of launchers at close to the speed of light. Cannon uses a 30 mm projectile.
    Range: 16 miles (26 km) through atmosphere and 1,600 miles (2,575 km) in space.
    Mega-Damage: 40 round burst does 4d6x10 M.D.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the Gunner (usually 4 or 5).
    Payload: 10,000 Rounds (500 Bursts) each cannon.
  3. Eight (8) Point Defense Particle Beams: They are used for anti-missile, anti-power armor, and anti-starfighter. They cannot be used faster than the speed of light.
    Range: 600 miles (960 km) in space and range is 6 miles (9.6 km) in atmosphere.
    Mega Damage: 3D6x10 MDC each.
    Rate of fire: Equal to gunners hand to hand (Usually 4 or 5).
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
  4. Eight (8) Tachyon Scatter Guns: Their main purpose is point defense.. Fires a wide blast that effects all targets in a cone 6.2 miles long and 3.1 miles wide in an atmosphere (Quatrupled in space. They CAN be used faster than the speed of light because Tachyons travel faster than the speed of light.
    Range: 24.8 miles (40 km) with a width of 12.4 miles (20 km), range and width is one quarter in atmosphere.
    Mega Damage: 2D4x10 MDC each.
    Rate of fire: Maximum of four (4) times per melee each.
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
  5. Two (2) Cruise Missile Launchers: Missile has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship). Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missile will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) Cruise missiles have minuses to hit small targets but are all considered smart missiles. This launcher is copy of the CAF launchers. Launchers can launch on multiple targets each.
    Range: Missile range is 8000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds)
    Mega-Damage & Properties: See Phase World Missiles (Anti-Matter does 4D6x100 MDC).
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 8, 16, or 32 per launcher, per melee round, for a maximum of 64 missiles per melee. Launchers are reloaded on the same melee and can be fired again on the next.
    Payload: 64 total, 32 cruise missiles per launcher. Ship has 4 reload of missiles (256 cruise missiles reloads total)
  6. Two (2) Long Range Missile Launchers: Missile has a top speed of Mach 20 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 8% of light per turn (faster than any starship). Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead, missile will still cruise unless set to self destruct but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead at -25% to detect.) Long range missiles don not have minuses to hit small targets unlike cruise missiles and are all considered smart missiles. This launcher is copy of the CAF launchers. Launchers can launch on multiple targets each.
    Range: Missile range is 3400 miles (5470 km) in an atmosphere and 1,800,000 miles (2,89700 km/9.7 light seconds) in space.
    Mega-Damage & Properties: See Phase World Missiles (Fusion does 2D4x100 MDC).
    Rate of fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 8, 16, or 32 per launcher, per melee attack, for a maximum of 64 missiles per attack.
    Payload: 640 total, 320 long range missiles per launcher.
  7. Eight (8) Medium Range Missile Launchers: Missile has a top speed of Mach 15 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 6% of light per turn. Normally used for anti-fighter and point defense. Launchers can launch on multiple targets each.
    Mega-Damage: See Phase World Missiles
    Range: 160 miles (257.5 km) in an atmosphere and 80,000 miles (128,750 km/0.43 light seconds) in space
    Rate of fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 8, or 16 missiles per launcher.
    Payload: 160 per launcher for a total of 1280 medium range missiles.

[ Phase World TM, Kreeghor TM, and CAF are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]

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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).

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