Theodore KamisJefferson, WI, USA No, that isn't me. However, this fine picture of Garrison Keillor, borrowed from the "Prairie Home Companion" website, is by far the closest representation of myself that I could find. He is much more handsome than I am, but we do have certain attributes in common: We both wear glasses. We both prefer not to wear neckties. We both like it cold. We both can tolerate lutefisk. We both love lefse and roesti potatoes. We both tend to speak softly, but carry a big stick. We both like radio - our imaginations can be set free! And, we both have an unusual sense of humor. If you would like to link to the "Prairie Home Companion" website, go to my Radio Days page for a link, or click the picture.
Search Engine Links -These search engines are those that I find to be most helpful to me, both in searching, and in the ease of adding my website to their indices... ![]() |
This is my homepage. Not bad for someone with a relatively slow computer, and no knowledge of HTML, eh? They say in Wisconsin that there are only two seasons: winter and road construction. (For those of you who have to drive in and out of Milwaukee, you know exactly what I mean.) On the Web, I've learned that there is only one season. Web sites are always under constant construction, revision, etc. This site will get better as I learn more - but I'm proud of it as it is now. Do you like shortwave radio? Or, for that matter, radio in general? My Radio Days page will be of interest to you. If you are merely curious, try it anyway. I do have some bio info. Okay, so I'm not as interesting as David Hasslehoff. Who wants to be like him, anyway? Eventually, many of my favorite links will end up here. (Then, I'll have to change it to a bio/links page!) If you are interested in capital punishment, you will want to visit my Capital Punishment Pages. If you, for some reason, support capital punishment, I strongly urge you to visit my Capital Punishment Pages. Within this site, I have now posted some personal commentary on the McVeigh trial fiasco, with links to two very interesting editorial cartoons on the subject (from Jim Borgman of the Cincinnati Enquirer and Steve Benson of the Arizona Republic) - take a look! Fresh update to the McVeigh page - link here... Also, I have done some research on capital punishment, including a survey. This material is available there, as well as a brief commentary on the life of Jeanne d'Arc, and links to other sites of interest. In progress - My Favorite Films - a page dedicated to some critical commentaries of why you should watch films that I really like. Stay tuned. Over 10 visitors to this web site served... Come on in! Everything's under control, . . .Home .... Biography .... Radio Days .... Capital Punishment