Tim and I got married on November 11, 1995

Here are a few pictures.

Our Honeymoon

We spent the first day of our honeymoon at the Carolina Renaissance Festival right outside of Charlotte, North Carolina (see our RenFaire webpage for more about it!). We went on to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for the rest of the honeymoon. Gatlinburg was beautiful! We had a little cabin away from everyone and everything, and it snowed the first full day we were there -- it was wonderful to sit in the hot tub in the snow! We rented our cabin through Country Moon Rentals -- we recommend them highly!

I'll have pictures of the honeymoon up as soon as I can find them (we've moved recently, and we can't find lots of things!)and scan them in. I know you can't wait! ;)

Looking for some good wedding links? Try these! (You'll see that they are mostly for frugally-minded websites -- keeping costs low was very important to us! Also, check out the Usenet groups alt.weddings and soc.couples.weddings. They are great references from folks either doing their own weddings now, or who are just very interested in, and knowledgable about, weddings.

If you're looking for some good books on planning your weddings, we highly recommend the following books by Diane Warner:

Go back to Tim and Lisa's Web Space.
You can contact me at llahearn@yahoo.com
This page last updated 23 September 2003.

Background from www.hellasmultimedia.com/webimages/wedding/wedd_backgrounds.htm