Tim and Lisa's
Web Space

Tim & Lisa, July 2004 I'm Lisa Antley-Hearn and my husband is Tim Hearn; we met on the Internet, on a MUD called HiddenWorlds. Tim was a Supreme named Toady, and I was a newbie who had no idea as to what she was doing. Pretty soon we were doing more talking than gaming on the MUD, so we moved to a talker, Foothills, and supplemented that with phone calls (he was in San Antonio, Texas, and I in Columbia, South Carolina). The phone bills were pretty bad. ;) Tim came to visit, and we loved each other as much face to face as we did over the 'Net, so he moved here and we got married.

Our story was part of an article about falling in love that appeared in The State newspaper on February 14, 1999. Our picture was on the front page of the Living section. You can check out the article on our News page.

After 15 years as the Reference Specialist and Webmistress at the School of Medicine Library at the University of South Carolina, I graduated on December 13, 2004, from the School of Library and Information Science at USC. I'm now the Coordinator of Library Services at Lexington Medical Center in West Columbia, SC. Tim works as the Computing and Accounting Assistant and Webmaster at the Animal Resources Facility, also at the USC School of Medicine.

My Blog

our wedding Tim and I got married on November 11, 1995. You can check out a few wedding pictures and some good wedding links on our Wedding page.
Grandmother at 95 My Grandmother turned 95 in May, and I have some pictures from the festivities on the Birthday Party page.
our imp girl We have a new member of our family! Check out Miss Christabel's page, updated 3/9/2004.
Carol's wedding My friend Carol got married in 1999 to a man she also met over the Internet so I created a web page for them. Here is Carol and John's Page!
our home On 30 November 2001, we bought our dream home! It's about four miles from my workplace, in a nice, quiet neighborhood. Check out our New Home page.
chocolate heart You can now check out my favorite recipes, or at least the start of them.
books For what I've been reading, you can check my book list, books.html
baby puppy The page of Baby Puppy.
Wendy & Lisa Here is my Wendy and Lisa page.
friends at the RenFaire Here is our Renaissance Faire Page.
cover of a Trixie book Anybody remember Trixie Belden mysteries? I love them! You can check out my Trixie page
old-timey pic of Tim & Lisa Seven years of marriage.... You have been warned!

Money/Time Saving Tip Of The Week - www.cheapskatemonthly.com
The WeatherPixie

We have favorite web sites that we browse often, and, as is required on a web page, here are our link pages:
  • Lisa's Links and just that, at the moment. I'll work on descriptions and such later.
  • Tim's Links, really old; these are all for VGA Planets, which he no longer plays, but he hasn't gotten me replacement links yet.
E-mail me .
This page last updated 1 June 2007.