TI-82 Programs

This is TI-World's TI-82 program download page. Just click on the Link to download the file. This page is updated every day, so check back all the time!

If you have files that we don't have, please send them to us. Our E-Mail address is MTRIS10@hotmail.com. Or even if you have some questions, comments, or suggestions, we would love to hear from you!

Ti-82 Games

Klax. Blocks fall and you try to catch them. : A pretty advanced game for the TI-82. Slower than molasses in January
BoMbS! I don't know about this game, It's strange.: It's really Strange.
Asteroids. a good game, but it's TOO DAMN SLOW!!: Not very entertaining.
Duck hunting!: Just like the classic on Nintendo
Mortal Kombat for the TI-82! It sorta sucks, but It comes close.: Slow, bad graphics, and not entertaining.
Block Buster. Yet another Arkanoid clone.: The best use of shading in a long time.
Frogger. Try to get across the street!: Entertaining, and funny!
A Star Wars game. Bad graphics, but good gameplay.: Strange button configuration.