What's New
(08/25/04)Can never have too many graphics. :-)
Oh man. Haven't updated this since 2000! Oh well, I'll be adding things from time to time. Mostly, however, I'll be working on the website of my band, Nefastus. It's not up just yet, but check it out in the coming weeks, it should be up. We'll be doing music reviews, and writing a little bit about, well, everything. Thanks for visiting!-Tony
Wanna know more about me? Then click here!
Here's a *NEW* survey for your enjoyment. So, click here when you get the time! By the way,
it doesn't have much to do with music, this time.
Also, if you'd like to contact me, then Click Here Now !
Extra Special Thanks...
To Tom Boyles for the page design!
Check out his personal website, Nothin' But BASS!
Also, if you have good taste, check out the website of his band, Corduroy Bloom.
Thanks again, Tom!
Most of the tabs listed below are the ones I
made to pass on to you bassists out there.
Please take under consideration that they're for
Bass Tabs:
"Going Down"-Bass Tab: G3
"Portrait of Tracy"-Bass Tab: Jaco Pastorius
"Crushing Day"-Bass Tab: Joe Satriani
"Crystal Planet"-Bass Tab: Joe Satriani
"Echo"-Bass Tab: Joe Satriani
"Killer Bee Bop"-Bass Tab: Joe Satriani
"Midnight"-Guitar Tab: Joe Satriani
"Psycho Monkey"-Bass Tab: Joe Satriani
"Secret Prayer"-Bass Tab: Joe Satriani
"Classical Thump"(Intro)-Bass Tab: Victor Wooten
"Overjoyed"-Bass Tab: Victor Wooten
Music Linx:
Lathon Bass Wear: So are you a bass player? Show everyone that you are! Lathon Bass Wear has cool clothing for all bass players!
Mork's Satch Tab Page: The best place to find Satriani guitar tabs! Who needs OLGA? You want guitar tabs of Satch, click this link. You need the bass tabs of Satriani, you need not go further.
Guitarman's Rocker Page: Joe Satriani & Steve Vai info, pics,....ect. Good Page!
Bass Player Magazine
Joe Satriani's Official website!
Victor Wooten's Official Website!
Victor Wooten Interview
Victor Wooten Interview #2
Harmony Central
Fender Guitars
Ibanez Guitars
Jackson Guitars
Fodera Basses
Warwick Basses
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Last updated Friday, February 4th, 2005 (03:22:48)