Welcome to Cricket's Kids!
Welcome to Cricket's Kids, my homepage devoted to my KIDS!
This is their virtual "bedroom" so you will have to step over their
clothes, toys and games...
Meet Onyx, who is 9 years old, a Brownie Girl Scout and our resident
artist! Hudson is 7 years old. He is our resident Nintendo King
and can tell you anything you ever needed to know about Dinosaurs!
Seth is the littlest, he was born January 24, 1998 and got to come home
the day the Bronco's won the Superbowl! We are all very proud of him!
Mom is a photography maniac...she is always chasing us with the camera
and when she gets the film developed dad scans them at his work.
After looking at our silly picture, be sure to scroll down and check out
our links!!
All about our summer!
Oh, and write us a note and tell us what you like about our page!
Mom's Home Page!