Sample Itinerary

Prices available upon request Day 1 - Arrival in Great Britain

Arrive at Heathrow Airport and meet your driver/guide. Transfer by accessible vehicle to a sixteenth century country house hotel on the outskirts of Cheltenham. As you have much time on your way to Cheltenham, your travels divert you through the city of Oxford and on to Blenheim Palace at Woodstock. Blenheim is a superb property given to the Duke of Marlborough by the country in gratitude for his military service. Blenheim was also the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill. Blenheim is wheelchair accessible throughout, and the grounds are superb...ideal for a picnic by the lake. Leaving Blenheim you leisurely travel to your hotel arriving early afternoon where the balance of the day and evening will be for rest and relaxation. Your hotel tonight is very comfortable and has gained three rosettes for the cuisine of the kitchen.

Day 2 - Cotswolds exporing

The day begins at your convenience for today is a very leisurely day driving through some of the most beautiful villages England has to offer. The Cotswolds are an area of Britain famous throughout the world for the quintessential Englishness of the towns and villages. Amidst the country lanes and byways, one constantly comes upon thatched cottages in small hamlets, and small villages built of the yellow warming limestone of the area. There are tea rooms and trout streams, pubs and gardens, and wooded valleys amongst the rolling hills that took away the melting waters of the glaciers some ten and a half thousand years ago. You begin today's journey by visiting some of the smaller villages that are off the beaten track and not accessible to the larger tour bus companies. You stop at Burford, then travel on to villages with names like Upper Slaughter, Bourton on the Water, and Upper and Lower Swell. In the late afternoon you stop in Stratford upon Avon, the home of William Shakespeare and the Bard where you stop and spend time by the river Avon. Return to your hotel at Cheltenham for the evening.

Day 3 - Journey into Wales

A visit to South Wales and the Wye Valley on your way to Tintern Abbey is today's journey. As you leave Cheltenham and drive through the Forest of Dene, simply beautiful at any time of year, you stop at Symonds Yat, an interesting place beside the river Wye. Next you visit the Welsh border town of Monmouth as you head south for Tintern and the Cistercian abbey, which is now in ruins after the dissolution of the Monasteries by Henry VIII in the fifteen hundreds. On your return journey you once again travel through the forest of Dene returning to your hotel for the evening.

Day 4 - The Lake District

Today's journey is to The Lake District of Wordsworth's. Along the way you stop at Wigan Pier, a great place for lunch. The fully accessible pier is a display of life in a Lancashire coal and cotton town earlier this century. From here you travel to Ambleside set amid the beauty of the lakes and mountains. Your hotel tonight is cozy and very comfortable, with purpose built rooms for disabled visitors.

Day 5 - The Lake District

Today you drive through the forest at Grisedale to tour the spectacular mountain and Lake scenery of the English Lake District Weather permitting today the highlight of today is a mountain picnic. Following your picnic lunch your travels take you to Wast Water, England's deepest lake, at the foot of Scafell Pike, England's highest mountain, where you find England's smallest church. Return to your hotel for the evening.

Day 6 - The Yorkshire Dales

A day in the Yorkshire Dales of James Herriot. The scenery is breathtaking and the high passes over the bleak Pennine hills are an experience in themselves. Today the guide will take you to some of his favorite places in all the world where the lanes and byways can not be seen by a tour bus. After a morning drive you stop at the Wensleydale Creamery, a working dairy where famous Wensleydale cheese is made in a totally accessible factory. After your dairy tour and a tasty snack of fresh bread and cheese you travel back over the high Pennines through the villages of Dent and Sedburgh to your hotel in the Lake District.

Day 7 - The Gleneagles Hotel

Today you travel to the Gleneagles of the most famous hotels in the world. Your journey takes you north into Scotland through the beautiful border country. As you journey through the Borders you stop at Abbotsford, the very interesting home of Sir Walter Scott. Continuing North you drive to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, for a visit to Edinburgh Castle and the Scottish Whisky Heritage Centre. Following your visit and a wee taste of Irish Whiskey you travel over the Forth road bridge for Gleneagles.

Day 8 - Exploring remote Scotland

Surrounded by spectacular beauty today is a day to explore more off the beaten track locations. Today you explore remote glens and take time to picnic by the loch. You return to Gleneagles in time to take afternoon tea, with the balance of the afternoon and evening for independent activities, rest, of a continued touring around the highlands.

Day 9 - Glasgow

Traveling through even more spectacular scenery, your destination today is Glasgow. Enroute you travel through an area known as The Trossachs, (pronounced Trosacks) which is home to the famous Rob Roy McGreggor. Traveling on through Crianlarich, towards Loch Awe, you stop for tea by the road overlooking Loch Awe. Today's activities also include a stop at the Pass of Brander to visit the Cruachan power station (a unique power station offering a great view across the loch). Leaving Cruachan you travel through Glen Array to Inverary, a small pleasant Scottish town at the head of Loch Fyne. From Inverary you cross the mountain pass of Rest and be Thankful then descent to travel along the bonny bonny banks of Loch Lomond. In the late afternoon your journey ends as you travel into Glasgow to the Beardmore Hotel, in Clydebank.

Day 10 - Scotland departure

Following breakfast at the hotel and a morning tour of Glasgow you transfer to the airport for your return flight home.

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