"Tricia, you’re never gonna believe what happened!" I heard Joanne yell into the receiver the moment I picked up the phone.

"Joanne," I replied, a tad irritated, "has it ever occurred to you that it might be my mum or even my brother picking up the phone?"

She was oblivious to my remark. "Brian Littrell broke up Isabelle!" She said, barely able to contain her excitement.

My jaws dropped immediately and I stood there speechless for like eons. I mean, I have been crushing on Brian for like, forever! He’s this really hot basketball player in my school and he’s got these soft lucious dirty-blonde hair, beautiful ice-blue eyes and thin, sexy lips that sets my heart fluttering everything I think about him. He had been dating Isabelle, this cheerleader, since last June. I never thought they would ever break up ‘coz they seem so perfect for each other.

"Wait a minute, Jo, you’re not pulling my leg are you? It’s not that funny you know."

"It’s true! I heard it from Patty Simcox herself! Trish, this is your chance!" Joanne exclaimed. She seemed even more enthusiastic about the whole thing than me.

"Oh right, remind me about that one. The bitch who can’t keep her mouth shut. Why did they break up anyway?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Trish, look, I don’t know and I really don’t think that’s important. If you don’t go up to him now and haggle for a date, some other girl would!"

"But he doesn’t even know me!"

Slight pause.

"And what makes you think I am good enough for him? I’m just some girl from Math class."

"That’s it! Math! Go up to him and ask him about some, say, calculus problem! It’s a tough subject and he’d never guess." Jo persisted.

Trust her to convince me, because less than five minutes later, I was panicking over what to wear tomorrow to impress Brian.

And it continues...
Man, I had enough of this nonsense!

You are the number person here.

Send me a mail!

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