Chapter 4


I had a fantastic time that day. Everything went on smoothly and Tricia turned out to be a wonderful date. We were pretty shy initially, but after the movie, we were more relaxed and got on well enough. I got her phone number and I was certain that it would bloom into a beautiful relationship.

I called her a couple of times after that and we would talk on the phone for ages, on everything under the sun. I wanted to ask her out on a date again, but something held me back. I didn’t know what it was, but it was like this barrier.

I decided to rope in the advice of my best friend, Brian. He seemed to have the solutions to everything, he’s a very laid-back kinda person. Brian was supportive of me of course. "Go for it, man! Just ask her out and have a fun time ‘kay?" he cheered me on.

There was a basketball match coming up and I got three tickets, one for me, one for Brian and one for Tricia. I plucked up all my courage and called her up.

"Hello, Tricia please?"

"Yeah? Is it you Danny? What’s up?" she replied ever so cheerfully. That’s what I like about her, she’s always so hyper and stuff.

"Oh, I’ve got this extra ticket to the basketball match for tomorrow and I was just wondering if you wanna go."

"Urm… okay. Since I don’t have anything on. Who against who?"

"Albany Falcons VS Kentucky Eagles. Oh, Brian is tagging along too."

"GO KENTUCKY!!! Oh, Brian’s the one you’re always talking about huh? It’s pretty cool to meet him now that I’ve heard so much about him. So what time do we meet up?"

"Well, the match starts at 5 pm so I guess I’d pick you up at half-past four?"

"Cool. I’ve gotta go now, my mum needs me in the kitchen. See ya tomorrow then! Bye!" With that, she hung up the phone.

I know I sound crazy but I was really happy that I was gonna get to see her again. This time, maybe we could get to hold hands!

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Tricia Littrell Tan