Chapter 5


I was relieved to hear from Danny. When he didn’t ask me out for SO long, I thought he simply wasn’t interested in me. Tomorrow we’re gonna have such a brilliant time, I just know it!

The next day, Danny came to pick me up ten minutes early and I wasn’t ready yet, so Mum let him in first. It was nerve-wrecking for both me and him really. Mum was bombarding him with all sorts of questions… it was like an interrogation session! I was worried Mum might not like him and disapprove but it turned out that she loved him. Good for everyone.

I changed into a sleeveless Reebok sports shirt and a baby-blue tennis skirt. I did a few turns in front of the mirror, making sure I looked okay from all angles. When I finally decided I looked fine, I got out of the room and Danny stood up immediately.

"Hey, you look really good!" he complimented.

Mum was impressed by that of course. "That’s very sweet of you, young man." Danny turned to her and give her the killer grin.

I wasn’t used to all these attention so the natural thing to do was to change the topic.

"I think we’re running late. C’mon, let’s go Danny. Bye mum!" I gave a quick peck on the cheek and ran to the front door. Danny followed suit after me.

We missed the bus so we ended up taking a cab there. I wanted to pay for my share of the cab fare, but Danny insisted on footing it all. He paid for the movie and dinner the other time too. Why do guys always have to pay for everything, I could never understand.

When we entered the stadium, it was already two-third filled. Danny scanned his eyes among the crowds and let out a yell. I turned to the direction and saw a guy with dirty-blond hair and blue eyes got up from his seat. "That’s Brian." Danny explained to me.

I hate to admit it but I was like totally enraptured with his smashing good looks. He had on a Bulls basketball jersey and a pair of old jeans. He had the rugged, tough look.

I managed to get a closer look at him when he came over and introduce himself. "Hi, I’m Brian! How ya doing?" he said, stretching his right hand out. He looked even better close on. He had the square jaw which I find really sexy in guys and his hair was wavy and slightly unkempt. Very handsome.

I shook his hands of course *duh* and they were strong and firm. Ooh, I think I’m falling for him! "I’m Tricia. Nice to meet you." I answered.

"Hey, what’s up with all the formality?" Danny asked, very amused. Brian gave a little shrug and took a seat. Danny sat next to him and I followed suit. I tried to keep my eyes on the games at all times but I couldn’t help but peek at Brian. He’s just so intriguing…. The way he narrows his eyebrows when he’s concentrating on something, like the game for now.

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Tricia Littrell Tan