my   Amazing   Authors   page!

                          Excellent choice!

welcome, one and all! This page is a humble tribute to all my fave
literary folk. Savour, enjoy, and one day when I update Bud's Book of
the Blank then that will be good too! For now, here are Timothy 
Findley, JRR Tolkien, JD Salinger and Ogden Nash for your perusing
pleasure.  :D

Timothy Findley

Findley is for sure one of my most favourite authors. I 
discovered his books when I was the assistant stage manager 
at school and we did one of his plays, "Can You See Me Yet?" 
After reading a few of his novels, I decided that this guy 
was amazing and set out to read them all. This turned out 
not be such an easy task since this Canadian has written 
about 13 books, not to mention 4 plays! A lot of Findley's 
works are set during the World Wars, but my personal favourite, 
called "Not Wanted on the Voyage," takes place during the 
            time of Noah.                           

                       BOOKS I've READ:

The Last of the Crazy People, The Wars, Famous Last Words, Not Wanted
on the Voyage, The Pianoman's Daughter, You Went Away, and Dust to Dust.

                       BOOKS I've yet to READ:

The Butterfly Plague, The telling of Lies, Headhunter, Dinner Along 
the Amazon, Stones, and Inside Memory (non-fiction.)

J.R.R. Tolkien

ah yes, Tolkien...master of the fantasy world. I believe it was 
my father who got me interested in his books, by reading me The 
Hobbit at an unbelievably young age, no doubt. I've since read 
that one about four times, and the whole Lord of the Rings twice
Not THAT impressive, I'll grant, since I still haven't read the 
Silmarillion. But I have a map of Middle Earth on my wall, to 
remind me of those times when Frodo's adventures were my only 
escape from real life problems.
The books are amazing, and if you've always meant to read them but
never have...there's no excuse! At least read The Hobbit, ok? thanks.


Salinger - that famous American recluse...  

I remember finding the old, hardcover copy of 
The Catcher In the Rye at my Dad's apartment 
one time I went to visit him. Little did I 
know that this would lead to a great love of 
his books, whose characters are most wonderfully
drawn and whose humour I love. Holden will always
be my favourite, but I'm happy to say I own all
four books:

The Catcher in the Rye, Nine Stories, Franny and Zooey,
and Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour:
an Introduction.

The last three are all about the Glass family,
which is large enough to have a lot of good stories
written about them!

I hear there's talk of a new book, coming out in
December, but I can't say I know much about this 
myself. All I can say is, read the books you 
phony slobs!

Ogden Nash

ok,ok, so he's a favourite one, might I add!
I don't know WHO got me started reading his crazy, 
satirical poetry, but it has always made me laugh
out loud at life. I love how his messages are still
relevant today, though he started writing over 70 years
ago. I also love his short, quippy poems such as this:

The one-l lama,
He's a priest.
The two-l llama,
He's a beast.
And I will bet
A silk pajama
There isn't any
Three-l lllama.

hee hee hee
anyway, for some good laughs, turn to Nash
(aren't I just the little poet myself! suuuuure...)

to the crisis...

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