Hello hello... Yep it's me, *Julia/Bud/Storm/Trillian/whatever* with my proverbial identity crisis and all. Hope you can take some time to enjoy this little endeavor of mine... if you wanna know more about ME, just point and click! you might also want to meet BUD (:D), my happy face of a mascot. Isn't it all just smashing... cheers to you, and here's hopin' you'll sign the guestbook before you leave, so I know how spiffy you really are! Thanks!

 comments...questions...BURNING DESIRE to talk to someone who 
                          KNOWS THE MEANING OF LIFE? well then...
 E-mail Bud!
 happy faces love recieving and answering e-mail messages. =)

This site's last update

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you are patient # to visit our ward...

And we're off! Places to visit:

my Amazing Authors page
for good literary fun!

Julia's poetry and prose
check out some of my musings!

my *smashing* links
fun with links...you know you want to!

Stormy's bad haikus
I think the name pretty much says it all...

V is for...Veggie!
my info and thoughts on vegetarianism

Music even a happy face could love
some of my favourite bands

Big Thanks go to Kool for this award!

this it's okay to be a dork webring of geeks site is owned by *Julia*
its ok to be a dork. webring of geeks.
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