Stormy's   bad   HAIKUS

Yep, they're bad alright...don't say I didn't warn you! Nevertheless, try to enjoy yourself a bit...

      Chocolate ice cream                 Stop playing that dumb
   Doesn't cure my problems             Elton John CD,'Love Songs,'
    But it dulls the pain.                 Because I hate it.

                  In grade four we liked
                The New Kids on the Block but
                   Now that's really sad.

       I hate the ads for                  Darn that unicorn
       Norwich Union on TV              For not getting on the ark;
       So I turn them off.                  Now he's just a myth...

                    Time is a constant,
                   A never ending circle
                    That gets in the way.

       Stupid soggy bread                   How I love that spam,
    Makes a horrible sandwich            A food reaching perfection...
    So please pass the chips.               Too bad I'm vegan.

 FINE, so I took some
Poetic liberties when
 Making this web page.

 so        shoot      me!


to my little corner of the web