Below are the stories I have been fortunate enough to have time to post . Please read and enjoy. If you have any tales or stories you would like to share, please send them to me so I can share them with anyone who will listen to me.
- Nothing Bad Happened to the Rabbi
- Rabbi Zushi of Anapoli teaches about good and bad.
- Father and Son
- A Father instructs his son with compassion.
- How Do You Walk
- A Rabbi and a neurologist talk about G-d.
- On The Eve of Shavuot
- On faith under pressure.
- Obstacles
- On the challenges G-d puts before us.
- Light Is Sown for the Righteous
- R Judah benSimon and the Besht on releasing the light of Torah.
- That's Not The Way to Dance
- Menachem Mendle of Kotzk on the difficulty of keeping Torah.
- To Stop A Thief
- The Rebbe comparing punishment and guidance.
- So What's the Miracle
- Keeping faith in G-d and your rebbe.
- Besht and the Boy Who Cried Rooster
- A story of understanding and not understanding.
- Black on White
- Drawing pictures of wisdom.
- Vanity
- Rebbe Pinhas of Koretz and Rebbe Raphael of Barshad.
- Bringing Forth Sparks
- Kabbalah on Torah.
- Faith and the Abyss
- A tale of Rebbe Barukh of Medzebozh.
- Encounters
- Rebbe Naphtali of Ropshitz tells of three encounters.
- Do Not Be Sad, The Light Is The Same
- Rebbe Barukh and Rebbe Ephraim.
- Who Are You?
- The Grandfather of Shpole on Fame.
- Nails
- A lesson on anger.
- Stay Together
- Something for the Jewish community as a whole.
- Becoming Friends
- Rebbe Barukh on man's relationship with Hashem.
- The Wedding
- Rebbe Naphtali and the Maggid of Kozhenitz.
- The Child Outside
- The Besht speaks about maturity.
- Leadership
- The Rebbe on leadership