Aya Gallery

This images were not scanned by me. I borrowed them from other sites, the only things are I made thumbnails for them and some of them were actually cut out from group images by me. To see which sites I took them from, you'll have to see Credits at Home.
The maximum number of images in each gallery is 5 and they all contain a brief description of the image and my comments about it(in case the thumbnails are too small for you to see.

=*= Gallery 1 =*=
=*= Gallery 2 =*=
=*= Gallery 3 =*=
=*= Gallery 4 =*=
=*= Gallery 5 =*=
=*= Gallery 6 =*=

Aya line
=*= Aya: Beautiful Alone Home =*= Aya Information =*= My Personal Opinion =*= Screams Over Aya =*=
=*= Abyssinian =*= Aya Fanart =*= Weiß kreuz Links =*=

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