

Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai on Taiwan

  Mao Zedong:
Edgar Snow:
Is it the immediate task of the Chinese people to regain all territories lost to Japanese imperialism, or only to drive Japan from North China, and all Chinese territory above the Great Wall?«

Mao Zedong: »It is the immediate task of China to regain all our lost territories, not merely to defend our sovereignty below the Great Wall. This means that Manchuria must be regained. We do not, however, include Korea, formerly a Chinese colony, but when we have re-established the independence of the lost territories of China, and if the Koreans wish to break away from the chains of Japanese imperialism we will extend them our enthusiastic help in their struggle for independence. The same thing applies to Formosa. As for Inner Mongolia ... we will struggle to drive Japan from there and help Inner Mongolia to establish an autonomous state.«

Edgar Snow: "Red Star over China" (Harmondsworth), Middlesex (GB), pp.128-129.

  Zhou Enlai:
"For the very reason that we oppose aggression by others, we also oppose committing acts of aggression against others ourselves... The Chinese nation also opposes imperialists committing acts of aggression against other countries... Therefore we must sympathise with the independent liberation movements of other nation states. We must thus not only support the anti-Japanese movements of Korea and Taiwan as well as the Nations of the Balkans and of Africa against German-Italian aggression, but we must also sympathise with the national liberation movements of India, South East Asia and others."

(Article from "Xinhua Ribao", the official Communist organ in the wartime Nationalist capital of Chongqing, June 15th and 16th, 1941. This article, not surprisingly, is not included in the "Selected works of Zhou Enlai", published in 1981 in Beijing
(translated from: Jörg-Meinhard Rudolph (German): "Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas und Taiwan (1921-1981)", pp.32-33) ["The Communist Party of China and Taiwan (1921-1981)].
It was only in the late 1940s with the uprising of 1947
(see: Günter Whittome (German): "Taiwan 1947. Der Aufstand gegen die Kuomintang" ["Taiwan 1947. The uprising against the Kuomintang"]) on Taiwan against the rule of the Kuomintang and with the complete withdrawal of the Kuomintang to Taiwan that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) changed its attitude and began to advocate military "liberation". When their attack on the island of Jinmen (Quemoy), an island controlled by Taiwan and situated off the Chinese coast near the city of Xiamen (Amoy), failed in 1958, the CCP eventually adopted the present course of systematic international isolation of Taiwan. (see: Jörg-Meinhard Rudolph: "Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas und Taiwan (1921-1981)").

For further reference see also: Hsiao, Frank and Sullivan, Larry R.: The Chinese Communist Party and the Status of Taiwan, 1928-1943. Pacific Affairs (1979), 52(3), pp. 446-467.



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