So you want to know a little bit about me? Ok then, where to begin. My name is Allison and I live in Pennsylvania. I am 36 years old (birthday June 20). I have one sister (Heather) who is 34 and married to Bob. They have one daughter (my beautiful niece) who is now 10 years old and my nephew who is 9 years old. I have a wonderful husband (Eric) and we are married 4 years on September 18. Not only did I get a terrific man for a husband but I also got wonderful in-laws. I also have another nephew named Zack (who is 4) and another niece/nephew on the way. Can't wait to spoil another niece/nephew. All of that pales in comparison to my being an extremely proud mother of my 27-month-old daughter (Carey). She truly is Mommy's Miracle!

My current job is an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). I work/volunteer for two local ambulances. Becoming an EMT was the best career move I ever made, so far. I truly love my job and I don't know too many people that can say that. I'm also a student again. I enrolled in school in February 2007 to become a Medical Assistant. So far, so good. As of now, I still have a 4.0 average. My job and life experiences have definitely helped me in school. I also started crocheting about 5 years ago and that is my biggest hobby. I have made several afghans for my family and friends and look forward to making more. It's nice to see something I hand made being used, enjoyed and appreciated by those who receive it.

I also collect unicorns. My favorite pieces are pewter unicorns (sometimes with a crystal ball) on a piece of raw amethyst (and purple is my favorite color). They are absolutely beautiful! I also have several other ceramic unicorns which are proudly displayed around the house. I have a unicorn musical carousel, several crystal unicorns and a gorgeous crystal unicorn music box. My collection also includes other little knickknacks and pictures which I finally just hung up and it looks really nice, even if I do say so myself!!

I want to thank you for stopping by! This page was a lot of work but it was also fun! Now that it's just about done, it's nice to be able to say "Look what I did" and see this finally all come together. I hope you enjoyed your visit! If you have anything to add to this page including comments or sites, please feel free to e-mail me. Again, thanks for stopping and please don't forget to sign my guestbook because it's nice to know you stopped by and took a few minutes to let me know you were here. It makes all the hard work worth it!!


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