Sunday Guests

Sunday's guests were Ebonie Smith (M'Lila), Willa O'Neill (Lila, Althea), Alison Wall (Minya), and Kevin Sorbo and Michael Hurst. All of the guests were fabulous.

Ebonie could not have been any sweeter. Unfortunately, none of my pictures of her turned out very well, but here is one that was somewhat presentable.


Willa's energy was contagious.

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Alison was lovely. She painted that dress herself! Pretty cool, huh? She had some great stories to tell.

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Now for the finale. Mr. Sorbo's and Mr. Hurst's appearance was wonderfully touching. Hercules and Iolaus will be missed.

First Michael came out by himself and talked.

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During their time on stage, they auctioned off some autographed scripts and the Sword of Veracity for Kevin's charity, A World Fit for Kids. Michael is quite the auctioneer. Sam Sorbo also graced us with a few moments on stage.

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Michael performed a Haka (a traditional New Zealand dance) for the audience.

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Pictures at the Autograph Table

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Please don't use any of these photos without permission! Thanks.
