"S" STREETS ~ 1870
- SACRAMENTO AVENUE, in northwestern suburbs
- SALENA, from Lynch south to Arsenal
- SALISBURY, from Levee west to Kossuth av.
- SANGUINETTE, in southwestern suburbs
- SARAH, from O'Blennis west to Compton av.
- SARPY AVENUE, crossing Market street rd. west of city limits
- SCHOOL, from Alby west to Grand av.
- SCOTT AVENUE, from Tayon av. west to Pratt av.
- SCUDDER AVENUE, from Grand av. west beyond city limits
- SECOND (N.), from 201 Market north to Grand av.
- SECOND (S). from 200 Market south to Chippewa
- SECOND CARONDELET AVENUE, from Carondelet Rd. west and north to 264 Chouteau
- SEVENTEENTH (N.), from 1701 Market north to Angelica
- SEVENTH (N.), from 701 Market north to 1735 West Mound
- SEVENTH (S.), from 700 Market south to Cherokee
- SHAW AVENUE, in southwestern suburbs near Pacific railroad
- SHENANDOAH, from Oneoto west to Grand av.
- SHERMAN AVENUE, from Wilkinson east to Thomas
- SIDNEY, from S. Levee west to Minnesota av.
- SINGLETON, from S. 15th west to Tayon av.
- SIXTEENTH (N.) from 1601 Market north to Grand av.
- SIXTEENTH (S.), from 1600 Market south to Poplar
- SIXTH (N.) from 601 Market north to 1449 Broadway
- SIXTH (S.) from 600 Market South to Dorcas
- SMALL, from Summit av. west bet. Cooper and Larned
- SMITH, from 413 N. Levee west to 1412 N. Main
- SOPHIA, from Lynch south to Arsenal
- SOULARD, from S. Levee west to Linn
- SOUTH, from 1001 Park av. north to Hickory
- SPRING, from Levee west to 2800 N. 16th
- SPRING, from Page north to New St. Charles rd.
- SPRUCE, from 401 S. Levee west to High
- ST. ANGE AVENEU, from Carroll north to 1840 Cyhouteau av.
- ST. ANTON, from 1229 Carondelet av. west
- STATE, from Russell av. south to Sidney
- ST. CHARLES ROAD, see Easton
- STEP, from Lami north to Picotta
- STERLING, from Lynch south to Arsenal
- ST. LOUIS PLACE, bet. Grande av. and Hebert, and 17th and 18th
- STODDARD, from Pratte av. west to Glasgow
- STODDARD AVENUE, from 1037 Park av. north to 1100 Chouteau av.
- SUMMER, from Victor north to Geyer av.
- SUMMER, from Grand av. west to Spring av.
- SUMMIT AVENUE, from Scott av. north to Walnut
- SUMNER, from Grande av. west to Spring
- SUPERIOR, from Ann av. north to Geyer av.
- SUSAN, from Compton av. west to May
- SUSQUEHANNA, from Junction of Peesylvania av. and Gravois rd. west to Grand av.
- SYCAMORE, from S. Levee west to 1019 S. 2d
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