This is one of the special parts of my life. My friends are something that I cherish. I would like to introduce you to some of the greatest people in my life. Dedicated to the ones who make me smile, laugh, cry and bring me so much joy. You are all a very special part of my life. I love you all. *hugs*
This is my University of Arizona friend Regina. She was one of the first people that I met when I first got to the dorms. I remember coffee plantation runs with you and Candice as we were checking all the fine men out!!! Gay, taken or married. We coined that phrase. Who could forget Halloween at the frat party. That was too cool. This girl is going places. She is gonna be the first female Pres. Just don't get her mad cause watch out:-)*hugs*
This is Jesus and Chris better known to the Karaoke world as Shotz and Ethan. They were the first people that I met out here in Tucson for Karaoke. They are so much fun to be with. They both have awesome voices. One warning though, never ask Shotz to sing "All Cried Out" That is our song:-)LOL
This is Al and Chris. Al is another Karaoke Pro. Catch him singing The Beatles, Joe name it he does it. He is a riot to party with!!! *hugs* to BIG AL You rock!!!
This is my ex-husband Joshua with the Karaoke Jockey Vic. Vic is an awesome KJ. You have to see him in action. We miss ya buddy!!! Hey and for all of you Karaoke addicts out there call the STAY TUNED!!!! MORE PICS COMING REAL SOON!!!!
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Speaking of Karaoke: What would my pages be without those Karoake friendship pics? Well here they are as well. Come on in and catch the action:-)
Costello&Chameleon Karaoke guys. I have been to many of their shows and they are THE BOMB!!!!
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My Dedication of Love Poetry Page
Living and Coping With Fibromyalgia
Angel's Among Us Part II: My Online Friendship Page
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