This is my page dedicated to the friends that I have met online. You all are very special to me as well. I have met a lot of these people offline and I have to say that you all are so wonderful. Thanks for being here for me. Here's to many more countless hours of conversation and laughs. *hugs*
Cheri aka Kreemy1_us- This is my Tangleword bud Kreemy1_us. Isn't she a babe? You know it. She is always there to listen to me rant and rave and even cry...She makes me laugh and she is a great friend. She is like a Mom to me. Nah she is not old...just well preserved she says:-) LOL You are a lot wiser than I am and I thank God that I have a friend as wonderful as you. *hugs*
BECAR_- This is my Tangleword bud BECAR_. She is always there with a friendly hug and a ladder whenever I need to get a higher rating.:-) She is a cutie too!!! Love the red hair. You go girl:-) *hugs*
This is Tonette aka Honeybun. We met one another in msn's
#BigBeautifulWomen_&_Admirer's chat. Toni is a really great woman. I had so much fun hanging out with her when I was in Chicago last Spring Break. Let's do it again real soon:-)*hugs*
This is Paul aka pwelby. I have to say that this guy is just too cool. Without him I think that I would have died trying to get these pictures up. He is always ready to lend a hand at anytime even if it means losing sleep. Yes he saved my
behind...hehehe *hugs* Love ya and I am sure there is more behind saving to come. *S*
Heather aka HEAstarVEN- Dang girl we have really gotten into some trouble together. I mean...wait a minute nah you have gotten me into trouble!!! I still remember the first night in chat with hand and cuffs *S* That was a riot!!! I am really looking forward to seeing our friendship grow. *hugs* Love
Pufthmagdrag: You know that you are an angel to me. You are one of my greatest Tanglebuds. Thanks for listening to my endless ranting and raving. *hugs*
HOUNDER: Thanks for being there to deal witb everything and thanks for helping me find a fibrofriend. You are one of the sweetest people that I know. Stay so awesome. *hugs*
heart-heart aka love_sleep: What would I do without you to share in the laughter and tears? I don't want to even think about that. Glad to have you around for as much time as I can. Where have you been?:-)
jestness: I will beat you someday. At Tangleword silly!!!Big hugs to you babe!!!
WILDBOOGIE: Let's get down!!! Lisa dances a jig!!! lmao
coco_puff126: You are such a sweetie. Thanks for tips on life and love online. God Bless You girl.
Trogger: um, what can I are a sweetie despite the things that I have gone through:-)*wink*
mamaheffe: I know that we have just met but I am so thankful for having a fibrofriend like you. Thanks for all of your words and inspiration to me. You are a Godsend. *fibrohugs*
RoseoSharon: Yet another Tangler that I always can come to for venting when I need someone to listen. You are always there with a shoulder to cry on and a helping hand. Love ya girl. *hugs*
sandralovely: I don't see you much anymore but it is great to see you when we meet. Too bad I did not make it out there to hang out with ya. Maybe someday.
betterlate1: Yeah you are a bit blunt but who else am I going to get the truth from:-) Thanks for everything.
And to those Tanglebuds that I don't see so often you best get on in and chat soon:-)
hugs and love to Willilee, helringer, Xizayin *wink*, BuckeyeCarol, Marel, Kynava, BucketBoy, tracera,Pbromide, soggysox, bridgie *big hugs*, IamHungry, capitola, abecedarian, swanny999, RedyorNot, NannyGoat2, beenderdonit, sk8ladi2, maestrodks, Bassin65(big hugs), bead1, zeppy999, amelie, and Helen123...oh gosh I know that I forgot some...I love you all. You have been there through the good times and bad. Believe me if I had to get addicted to something I am glad that it is a game that you all are there for. Love you all. *hugs*
Music Mistresses Page
Favorite Links Page
My Dedication of Love Poetry Page
Living and Coping with Fibromyalgia
Angel's Among Us Part II: My Online Friendship Page