= October 1999  Monthly Feature  =
 Radiator Insured ?
No !
Then why take chances ? Our product is made from
glycerine , alcohol , distilled water and nothing else .
Will not freeze at 40 below zero .
( Text borrowed  from the 1923 En-ar-co Petroleum Products catalog )
The 1923 En-ar-co  Products catalog lists antifreeze in drums  ,
1/2 drums , and in 5 gallon cases. I don't believe there were
any small lithographed containers for us collectors to find.

Glycerol  -40
The cardboard poster at the top of this page (circa 1928)
measures 22" x 28" and was called a "window card"
Paraffine Oil has now been added to the fomula.
In 1929 the "e" was added to the end of 'Glycerole'.
Again , bulk packaging meant no lithographed containers .
The Company  will supply the above "window card"  and a supply
of four page handout folders free , plus loan the garage operator
"a specially constructed instrument for testing
En-ar-co Glycerol -40 Antifreeze , with a reading chart".
We recommend the monthly inspection as an  insurance that costs you nothing ,
for unless there has been overheating of the engine or loss through leakage ,
there will be no need to replenish  En-arco Glycerol in the radiator during the winter .
This was a welcomed improvement over nightly draining of
the radiator or replenishing  earlier antifreeze solutions that
evaporated and/or boiled away .

As good as En-ar-co Glycerol - 40 Antifreeze was , there was room for improvement .
In mid-1936 Canadian Oil Companies Limited introduced Slovap Antifreeze Alcohol.
The name came from Slow Evaporation and contained  high-grade Alcohol to lower
the freezing point , Soluble Oil to retard evaporation and a Rust Inhibitor  to control
Advertised as Slovap Anti-freeze Alcohol ( Red ) I assume red is the colour of the
product , but was also the colour of the Quart and one Gallon lithographed tins .
Attractive red tins featured the Boy and Slate logo .
The cardboard sign above has two cutouts for small sample bottles .  Samples of
Slovap and a competitor's antifreeze , filled the same day , could be compared
to show how Slovap remained clean and clear , while the competition's formed rust.
--- With  Slovap  no new rust is formed ---   
( Left to Right )
Slovap Anti-Freeze Alcohol (red):      mid 1936 to 1938
White Rose Anti-Freeze Ethylene Glycol : 1939 to 1953
Prestone Brand Antifreeze with a White Rose logo: 1954
White Rose Permanent Type Anti-Freeze : 1954 to 1958
White Rose Permanent Type Anti-Freeze : 1958 to 1962
White Rose Antifreeze- division Shell Canada : 1962- 67
-- Identical quarts and gallons of each style were available --

Two different radiator service tags

This photo shows the rear panel of an En-ar-co Bridge Score Pad.
These were given out free in the twenties and early thirties .
Although it is not visible , the 'enarcogram ' in the boy's slate reads:
What if it goes
down to zero -
That's nothing
This was the companies most widely used anti-freeze slogan .

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