To Thy Departed Friend

Police sirens could be heard in the distance, I wasn't gonna wait for them so I used my sword to get to my feet and I haggardly began to walk away from the parking lot. I hid my sword beneath my trench coat and slipped away. I wiped the blood off my face and hands but I couldn't get rid of the taste in my mouth. Although I hated what I do it never fails to give me the indescribable feeling.

The sky was darkening and I noticed that darkness was creeping over the sky; engulfing it somehow... memories, painful ones began creeping back to my mind. I tried to forget, many times I tried... but the pain just never goes away. It hides itself waiting for a moment when your mind is weak and your soul yearns for redemption before it floods your mind like a poison slowly killing your mind. But what's the use, I can't ever rest in peace. My soul died a long, long time ago.

"Remy, what ya thinkin' sugah?"



"Uh.. Oh.. sorry chere..." "I've jus been t'inking of how lucky I am to be with you".

"That may be true in fact sugah but that ain't the reason keepin' you silent".

The cajun lets a grin brighten his face. "I be de only thief not able to lie to you chere".

His finger pushing away her auburn hair from her face. He stared into her eyes a mirror reflection of his own but somehow unique to her.

"I be thinkin' of de past... and what is happening in the papers today".

"I know sugah.. a lot of crazies out there in the streets". "Why? You know somethin' about it, Remy?"

Remy just shrugged and said, "I dunno... maybe maybe non".

Just before she was able to ask anymore questions Scott's voice came ringing over the com-links.

"Gambit, Rogue get down here now!!!"

"What happen mon ami?"

Just then the mansions alarms went off. All the x-men quickly scrambled to the entrance of the mansion. Wolverine arrived first and as usual was the first to draw first blood.

"What ya want bub!"

"The one who calls himself Remy Lebeau," I said as I drew my sword.

"Then you won't be needin this", Logan said as he leapt claws extended to strike the stranger's weapon.


"Adamantium" I declared proudly with a grin.

"Makes no difference one way or the other you're going down".

Logan growled as he lashed out strike after strike. But the stranger in the trench coat deflected blow after blow.

"Not bad for an amateur" I said to the guy with claws.

"I'll show you amateur!"

Logan's strikes were filled with anger and it was took the stranger by such surprise that his sword was flung from his hand on the fifth strike and Logan made no mistake with the opportunity by plunging his claws into the strangers side. Before Logan could finish off the stranger, Professor Xavier shouted "Logan stop this at once"

"Ok Chuck, but I ain't likin it one bit"

"Just great, more wounds <sigh>"

I looked at all the faces that were before me until I came across one bewildered cajun. Dropping to one knee in pain I said "Aces high Cajun!"

"Mon deu.... No dis can't be.... You died!..."I was dere!"

"Say good night bub"..WHAM

"Gambit can you tell me who that man is?"

"He looks like someone I knew once... but professor... he's dead"

Charles' eyes widened and then he said, "Could you be wrong?"

Gambit shook his head.

Beast cut in the conversation and said "I think he will pull through but he does seem to have a concussion <Logan grinning> and the wounds didn't hit any major organs."

The Professor nodding in acknowledgment.

"Might he be a clone of Sinister?", asked Logan.

"That may be possible", said Hank.

"I didn't see any previous fractures, scars or scratches on him. Like he was just born."

"Figures it is always like Sinister to try something like this."

"Then lets get some information from him", Logan said with his claws extended.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a room bounded to a bed. Then I remembered what took place a few minutes ago. Were they in for a surprise <grin.> I summoned the energy from within and a charge surrounded my body. I directed it to to restraints and viola. I grabbed my coat and walked out of the room. Now clear of what my friends are capable off, I decided to sneak around and find out a little about the place. It was a hell of a huge place but nothing too classy. I managed to sneak about without tripping any alarms due to vast my experience in this field. I entered what seemed to be a laboratory and found my sword on a table filled with hi-tech. equipment I thought nothing of it and was about to exit the room when a familiar voice shouted out at me.

"Hey bub what ya think your doin'?"

I looked at him and said, "Wanna find out?"

He was about 5"6 at the most but looked hell of a tough and had a mouth to top it all off. Before I was able to grab my sword he launched at me and knocked me to the ground. Then the whole team of x-men arrived and escorted me out to the living room. There a guy with ruby coloured glasses spoke to me.

"Who are you and who and do you work for?"

I refused to speak to him which got him annoyed but gave me some pleasure.

"Never mind, Scott, I think our visitor will be willing to give us an explanation"

"Well then where do you want me to begin?"

"The beginning sugah!", said a drop dead gorgeous babe.

{This is starting to wear me down. Time for a quick solution.} I began to charge my body, a visible aura surrounded me.

Then without warning a huge black guy griped me from behind and drained my power away. He then proceeded to place a collar around my neck. My powers were now gone. This wasn't going very well.

"Hey! I'm just a stranger passing by, I have no quarrels with any of you. I have come just for Remy Lebeau.

Then a blue furry guy said,"You are more likely a clone Sinister made and was made to belief otherwise."

I was really getting mad..."If that be the truth than can I have my sword?"

"What for... to kill us all?" said Logan.

I could see his views were supported by many.

"I am one and you are many.... and I have no powers".

"So what?" said the black guy.

"I show you a trick only I can perform." I looked over to the professor and cocked an inquisitive brow.

"Very well... Give him his sword."

"Jus remember I got you covered," said a guy in ice?!

I smiled and shook my head.

"I have no powers now, do I not?"

"Then explain this". I spun the sword backwards grabbing it by the handle and plunging in through my stomach. Before passing out I could see their shocked faces and here someone say "take his collar off, he might have a healing factor".............darkness.

I opened my eyes within minutes and a gasp was heard. Silence befell the room.

"Believe me now?" I asked.

"But your wounds... they bleed and haven't healed," declared Beast.

I lifted my shirt to let them see my still bleeding wounds virtually heal before their eyes.

End of the First trial Chapter

Well I wrote this while I was in the hospital so tell me how you find it and if it is worth continuing.

Index Page Part Two