Important Updates!!!![]() Well now that I have worked out the bugs...... I would appreciate it if the initial members would go back and get the updated fragments for their pages... Sorry for the inconvenience!!! Coming soon..... A featured artist section, to display their works to Our Friends of the Ring!!!! Hey We have OUR very own Artist_chat That is open and available for anyone to use anytime!!! Tell your Friends!!! Well I have come up with a prototype page for the featured artist. Please give any comments or suggestions on it!!! https://members.tripod.com/~Zenturian/featured.html Oh there is a smaller size fragment now... thanks for the suggestion Dawn!!! Well everybody it's here... The Members Banners Page!!! I will make a button for it and post it on the left soon!!!https://members.tripod.com/~Zenturian/banners.html |