Language of Flowers

The language of flowers is be both unique and symbolic. The list below will give you the meaning of some of the more popular flowers.

Acorn                         Nordic symbol of life & immortality
Ambrosia                      Your love is reciprocated
Aster                         Symbol of love - daintiness
Azalea                        Take care of yourself for me,
                              Temperance, Fragile Passion,
                              Chinese symbol of womanhood
Bachelor Button               Single Blessedness
Begonia                       Beware
Bells of Ireland              Good Luck
Bluebell                      Humility
Withered Flowers              Rejected Love
Cactus                        Endurance
Camellia                      Admiration, Perfection, Good Luck, Gift to a man
Camellia (Pink)               Longing for you
Camellia (Red)                You're a flame in my heart
Camellia (White)              You're adorable
Carnation (General)           Fascination, Woman love
Carnation (Pink)              I'll never forget you
Carnation (Red)               My heart aches for you, Admiration
Carnation (Purple)            Capriciousness
Carnation (Solid Color)       Yes
Carnation (Striped)           No, refusal, Wish I could be with you
Carnation (White)             Sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love,
                              woman's good luck gift
Carnation (Yellow)            You have disappointed me, Rejection
Cattail                       Peace, prosperity
Chrysanthemum (General)       You're a wonderful friend,
                              Cheerfulness and rest
Chrysanthemum (Red)           I Love You
Chrysanthemum (White)         Truth
Chrysanthemum (Yellow)        Slighted Love
Crocus                        Cheerfulness
Daffodil                      Regard, Unrequited Love, You're the only one
Daisy                         Innocence, loyal love, purity
Dandelion                     Faithfulness, happiness
Dead Leaves                   Sadness
Fern                          Magic, fascination, confidence, and shelter
Fern - Maidenhair             Secret bond of love
Fir                           Time
Forget-Me-Not                 True Love, Memories
Gardenia                      You're lovely, Secret Love
Garlic                        Courage, strength
Geranium                      Stupidity, Folly
Gladioli                      Give me a break, I'm sincere, Flower of the Gladiator
Heather (Lavender)            Admiration, solitude
Heather (White)               Protection, wishes will come true
Holly                         Defense, domestic happiness
Hyacinth (General)            Games and sports, rashness, flower dedicated to Apollo
Hyacinth (Blue)               Constancy
Hyacinth (Purple)             I am sorry, forgive me, sorrow
Hyacinth (Red or Pink)        Play
Hyacinth (White)              Loveliness, I'll pray for you
Hyacinth (Yellow)             Jealousy
Iris                          Emblem of France, Your friendship means so much
                              to me, faith, hope, wisdom & valor, my compliments
Ivy                           Wedded Love, Fidelity, friendship, affection
Ivy-Spring of White Tendrils  Anxious to please, Affection, Love me, Affection returned,
                              Desire, sympathy, Desire for affection returned
Larkspur                      Fickleness
Lily (Orange)                 Hatred
Lily (White)                  Virginity, purity, majesty, It's heavenly to be with you
Lily (Yellow)                 I'm walking on air, false & gay<
Lily (Calla)                  Beauty
Lily (Day)                    Coquetry, Chinese emblem for Mother
Lily (Eucharis)               Maiden Charms
Lily (Tiger)                  Wealth, Pride
Lily-of-the-Valley            Sweetness, Tears of the Virgin Mary, Humility, Return to
                              Happiness, You've made my life complete
Magnolia                      Nobility
Marigold                      Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy
Mistletoe                     Kiss me, Affection, To surmount Difficulties, Sacred plant
                              of India, Magic plant of the Druids
Moss                          Maternal Love, Charity
Narcissus                     Egotism, Formality, Stay as sweet as you are
Nuts                          Stupidity
Orange Blossom                Innocence, eternal love, Marriage and fruitfulness
Orchid                        Love, beauty, refinement, Beautiful Lady, Chinese
                              symbol for many children
Orchid (Cattleya)             Mature charm
Palm Leaves                   Victory and success
Peony                         Shame, gay life, happy marriage
Petunia                       Resentment, Anger, Your presence soothes me
Pine                          Hope, Pity
Poppy (General)               Eternal sleep, Oblivion, Imagination
Poppy (Red)                   Pleasure
Poppy (White)                 Consolation
Poppy (Yellow)                Wealth, Success
Primrose                      I can't live without you
Primrose (Evening)            Inconsistency
Rose (Bridal)                 Happy Love
Rose (Christmas)              Tranquilize my anxiety, anxiety
Rose (Damask)                 Persian Ambassador of Love
Rose (Dark Crimson)           Mourning
Rose (Hibiscus)               Delicate beauty
Rose (Leaf)                   You may hope
Rose (Pink)                   Perfect happiness, believe me
Rose (Tea)                    I'll remember always
Rose (Thornless)              Love at first sight
Rose (White)                  Innocence and purity,
                              I am worthy of you,
                              You're heavenly, Secrecy & silence
Roses (White & Red)           Unity, Flower emblem of England
Rose (White-dried)            Death is preferable to loss of virtue
Rose (White-withered)         Transient impression, fleeting beauty, you
                              made no impression
Rose (Yellow)                 Decrease of love, jealousy, Try to care
Rosebud                       Beauty and youth, A heart innocent of love
Rosebud (Red)                 Pure and lovely
Rosebud (White)               Girlhood
Rosebud (Moss)                Confessions of love
Roses (Full Bloom)            Gratitude
Roses (Single Full Bloom)     I Love You, I Still Love You
Roses (Garland or Crown of)   Beware of virtue, Reward of merit,
                              Crown-symbol of superior merit
Roses (Musk Cluster)          Charming
Snapdragon                    Deception, Gracious Lady
Spider Flower                 Elope with me
Sweetpea                      Good-bye, Departure, Blissful pleasure, Thank you for a
                              lovely time
Tulip (General)               Perfect lover, Fame, Flower emblem of Holland
Tulip (Red)                   Believe me, Declaration of love
Tulip (Varigated)             Beautiful eyes
Tulip (Yellow)                There's sunshine in your smile
Violet                        Modesty
Violet (Blue)                 Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I'll always be true
Violet (White)                Let's take a chance on happiness

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This page was last updated January 27, 1999