You are my joy and my longing,
you are my safety and my friend.
You protect me in the path,
you show me my spirit,
you are my hope.

My friend,
Without your help,
never across these endless countries would
I have wandered like a drunken Dervish.

Never would I have seen the Scandinavian lights,
Never would I have tasted the sweetness of your tropics.

How much beauty, how many gifts,
favours and generosity have you shown me!
What shall I do to convey my love to you?

Your love I seek,
please, lead me towards your heart,
for mine has already gone in your sweet direction.

Come, today is Spring,
beat the drum of your heart and be with me.
I will be silent, silent, silent...
I promise!

Jabrane Sebnat
Lund 2/3/1995