
Directory Pages IconDirectory

IconDirectory <- Go to Directory of Categories Page ->
: Directory of Categories Page
IconCeramics Go to the Ceramics Directory ->
The index of Ceramic Pages
IconWriting Go to the Writings and Poems Pages ->
The index of Writings and Poems Pages
IconMusic Go to Music and Sound Page Directories ->
Music and Sound Pages
IconAnimation Go to Interactive Media and Animation Directories ->
Directory Pages of Animation and Interactive Media
IconPhotography Go to Digital Photography Directory ->
Directory Pages of Digital Photography
IconDirectory Go to Other Links Page ->
Directory of Links to Other Pages

If you dont want to hear the music, turn it off here..

Digital Photography Directory Page

Welcome to FireGod Arts
Digital Photograph Directory Pages

Photoshop, Painter, Prism, Apprentisce, Logo Motion, MacroMedia Director are some of the software that I use to create pictures and icons in my multimedia work. I also use my video camera to capture much of my digital work from my paintings and drawings. This section is under construction and I will be adding many pictures to it with the next months. Keep checking here for my notes about the techniques I use.
I use several techniques to make the gif images that I am using much smaller for quick download time.
First, almost all monitors display graphics at 72dpi no matter how dense the resolution. Therefore, my graphics are never more than 72dpi.
Secondly, I make them small and tell Netscape to display them larger and this saves time and space.
Thirdly, I use gif format and reduce the number of colors of my graphics to as low as 4. Many are fine at 32 colors and this saves space and time to download.

Russell Andavall
The FireGod

Links to Digital Photographs Pages

IconPhotography Go to Chalk Drawings Page->
This page shows abstract chalk drawings of Biblical Justifications
IconPhotography Go to Digital Abstracts Page->
This page shows abstract digital photos
IconPhotography Go to A composite picture (80k)->
A composite picture of ceramics