There it is, your very own Membership Cod. Print it out and put it in your wallet (not in directly in your trousers, obviously), and you'll be an official cod-carrying memeber of the FDLFDWCTT.

There's another little thingy I made up to make our members look just a little weirder. It's a backpack patch, obviously! Sheesh! Anyway, if you're lucky enough to have an old Epson dot matrix printer like me, which can't print much of anything worth beans, but is very forgiving to being messed with, you can tape some lime green fabric to some paper, scroll the paper back into the printer, and "Voila!" (this time it means faster than you can get ink all over your new white shirt), you have your very own FDLFDWCTT backpack patch! Before you know it people will be coming up to you and asking you what the heck that ugly thing on your backpack is, and you can tell them proudly that it's a symbol of the glorious FDLFDWCTT, and that you're a member. Then you can watch them walk away very quickly, looking back over their shoulder often.