Major Charactres: Sinbad, Rongar, Firouz, Maeve, Dermott, Doubar, Tello, Maruf, Fontassel
Minor Charactres: Minor Crew members, Hackmit, Poseidon
(The Nomad is sailing through a storm)
Sinbad: Everyone stand fast! Stay the course! It's in the teeth of the storm! It's the only way we're going to make it through this!
Doubar: Unless it rips us to shreds first.
Sinbad: That's not going to happen.
(The Nomad is still going through the storm)
Sinbad: This is nothing we haven't been through before. We can weather this, just like everything else.
Doubar: Can I have your word on that, Captain?
Sinbad: Captain's honour. I'm going to go check on Maeve and Firouz.
Doubar: (to Rongar) I don't remember worse than this, do you?
Maeve: Omney, homney, storm that I seek. Flee from me.
(Sinbad enters the cabin)
Maeve: Is it apparent I'm not getting anywhere?
Sinbad: Keep trying.
Maeve: I fear it's beyond my powers to quell.
Sinbad: Well, just keep trying. Firouz! How's your water pump working?
Firouz: Wonderful! I can't even begin to keep up with the water! At this rate, it will take, I predict, we'll be swamped in an hour!
Sinbad: It's not a calculation I care to hear about!
Firouz: Well, sorry, but for water...
(They hear a big crash)
Firouz: What in the name of.... (Sinbad runs above, Maeve and Firouz follow)
(Water floods around on the Nomad)
(The storm then stops and all is calm; the crew goes topside)
Sinbad: The storm. It's blown over.
Maeve: Maybe it was my conjuring.
(A longboat is approaching the Nomad)
Fontassel: Help! Help!
Minor Crew member: Men coming aboard!
Fontassel: (comes aboard with two of his shipmates) Help me!
Sinbad: Are there more of you?
Fontassel: One more. He's in the longboat.
Hackmit: Help me! Help me! Don't leave me here!
Maeve: He's drifting off!
Sinbad: Row the boat in closer!
Fontassel: (whispers) He'll never make it.
Sinbad: Are you his Captain?
(Fontassel nods)
Sinbad: Command him to take up the oars!
Fontassel: He's too far off. He's lost.
Sinbad: What is his name?
Fontassel: (whispers) His name....
Sinbad: The man in the boat! What is his name?
Fontassel: Hackmit.
Sinbad: Hackmit! Draw the boat in closer! Row man, row!
Maeve: Try! You can make it!
(Hackmit takes up the oars)
Doubar: Now what? Hold her steady, Rongar.
(Rongar takes the tiller)
Doubar: The helm, it's cursed!
Firouz: There's a man adrift! He's frozen in panic!
Doubar: Who is he?
Fontassel: One of mine. Just one more of my men....
Sinbad: Hackmit, draw the boat in closer! Quickly! Before you're dragged out to sea! Come on, man! Row! Row!
(Hackmit tries to row towards the ship)
Doubar: Why isn't he moving?
Maeve: Because the boat's bewitched.
Firouz: Or he's caught in the currents -- they're treacherous here.
Sinbad: Rongar! Bring the Nomad about! Now, stay calm, stay calm. We'll try to pick you up.
Hackmit: Save me!
Doubar: By the gods! He's not moving!
Hackmit: Save me!
Sinbad: Don't panic!
Hackmit: Please.
Sinbad: Bring him in.
(Some kelp and seaweed from the depths of the sea come up and pull Hackmit under water, and he isn't seen again)
Sinbad: Hackmit! (goes over the side of the boat, to try to save him)
Firouz: Sinbad! It's too treacherous!
Maeve: Something grabbed him! Something pulled him under!
Sinbad: Hackmit! Hackmit!
Doubar: He's gone, little brother.
(Sinbad climbs over the side of the Nomad to go aboard again; he goes over to Fontassel)
Fontassel: Like so many before him, the cruel sea punishes its trespassers.
(Opening Credits)
(The Nomad crew and Fontassel's crew are talking in the cabin)
Sinbad: Seven days. It's a long time to be in an open boat.
Fontassel: Too long.
Tello: Far too bloody long.
Fontassel: We had no other choice. We tried to save all we could, to no avail.
Doubar: What was the cause of her to sink?
Fontassel: Well, we were in uncharted waters, treacherous.
Doubar: How so?
Fontassel: Whirlpools one day, dead calm the day after, sea demons the next. Name it, it plagued us.
Maruf: Do we need to talk of this? Do we?
Fontassel: It's over now. We're safe.
Firouz: Why did you sail into uncharted waters?
Fontassel: A treasure hunt. Steadfast search for a priceless possession.
Doubar: That being?
Fontassel: Poseidon's trident.
Firouz: What?
Tello: You heard him. Poseidon's trident.
Firouz: Poseidon's a creature of myth. No doubt serving a religious purpose, but no basis in fact.
Maeve: Poseidon's trident is the sacred scepter of power of all the sea gods.
Firouz: Granted it's a symbol, but it's verifiable existence is...
Tello: Tell that to our dead, our bloody dead!
Doubar: Ease back, friend.
Fontassel: Tello! Sit back down.
Tello: Don't tell me what I've seen with my own eyes.
(They hear a scream; they run to see what it is, Fontassel and his crew hang back)
Tello: Come for us here. Just like I said.
Maruf (to Fontassel): You said it wouldn't! You said...
Fontassel: Could we have survived in that boat? Could we? But we had one chance. This, is that chance.
Crewman: It, ah, surprised me, Captain. Surprised me.
Sinbad: Rongar? What's the problem?
(Rongar opens a barrel. It's filled with rats.)
Doubar: It's no barrel of monkeys.
Maeve: It's an omen.
Firouz: No such conclusion need be drawn.
Maeve: Then you draw one.
Firouz: Rats are known for their bountiful breeding practices.
Maeve: I sense their presence here means something quite different.
Sinbad: What do you sense?
Maeve: That something has changed here. I feel it. Something is with us now. Something that means us no good will.
Doubar: Maeve, you give me the willies when you talk like that.
(Dermott chirps)
Maeve: Dermott senses it too.
Sinbad: All right. You and Dermott keep your eyes peeled. Meanwhile, I want the rest of us to set all sails. We're going to be a long way from here come nightfall.
(They all go their separate ways)
(The other crew is talking)
Tello: Maybe we should tell them. Get it out in the open.
Fontassel: Tell them what? Do you have any firm notion of what happened to us out there?
Tello: I know it haunts us. Hunts us.
Fontassel: Just sleep, man.
Tello: I'll never sleep again. Don't tell me you can't hear them!
(Maruf runs out)
Fontassel: Maruf! Get back here!
Tello: We can't go on like this!
Fontassel: We will go on like this! You're starting to sound spineless. And you know how I feel about men with no spines.
(The Nomad crew is in another room, playing cards)
Doubar: Whose deal?
Firouz: Mine.
Sinbad: (watching Rongar pace) What? Do you hear something, Rongar?
Doubar: Now, don't start getting jumpy. Isn't it enough we've already lost a night's sleep?
Firouz: Dawn's almost upon us. We're all having difficulty sleeping.
Doubar: If I spent a week in an open boat, I'd be sleeping like a rock.
Firouz: Actually, rocks have no consciousness and therefore, no experience of sleep.
Doubar: (watching Firouz shuffle cards) You gonna wear the spots off those, Firouz?
Sinbad: Rongar? Play my hand.
Doubar: Where are you going?
Sinbad: Just wanna check topside. (leaves)
Firouz: Did you get a chill?
Doubar: More like somebody just walked on my grave.
(Sinbad walks over to Maeve, who is also topside)
Sinbad: Unable to sleep too?
Maeve: Nothing seems able to rest tonight.
Sinbad: Have you been able to figure any of this out yet?
Maeve: Only that I don't like it.
Sinbad: Yeah...have you seen Maruf? (Maeve nods and points to Maruf standing over by the edge of the Nomad) Did you talk to him?
Maeve: I tried, but he breezed right past and has kept his distance.
Sinbad: I'll go give it a try. (walks over to Maruf) It's a fair night on a calm sea.
Maruf: The fair only hides the foul.
Sinbad: Well, I'd think you'd be wanting to sleep.
Maruf: A man can want, and in that want, he only gets what he deserves.
Sinbad: You survived. The sea offered you a second chance. Take comfort in that.
Maruf: I wish I could.
(Something bangs against the side of the Nomad)
Sinbad: (looks) It's your longboat! It must have drifted back here.
Maruf: But we have had full sails. How did it get here? How?
Sinbad: It's only a boat, sailor. It can't harm you.
Maruf: Can't it? You don't know what harm comes to me! You don't know the half of it!
Sinbad: Then tell me.
(Maruf just stares out to sea; Sinbad leaves him, and he and Maeve go below deck; Dermott watches while Maruf panics at hearing a sound, and then Maruf drowns; the other crew all hear the sound, and can't stand it)
Sinbad: (comes above deck) Search for him!
(They find Maruf dead)
Firouz: He drowned!
Sinbad: Impossible! I just talked to him, not more than a minute ago. Firouz!
Firouz: He drowned, and from the looks of him, it appears he's been dead at least a week.
(The crew is talking)
Sinbad: How could he have drowned that quickly? And on deck? It can't be possible!
Firouz: I wish I could state otherwise. But this body's been decomposing for at least a week!
Sinbad: What next?
Doubar: Well, we've lost all sail. Which means we're back to being dead in the water.
Sinbad: There's gotta be a rational explanation for all this. Doubar, come with me.
(Sinbad and Doubar go below. Firouz goes back to examining Maruf. Maeve goes over to Dermott who is chittering)
Maeve: Dermott?....
(Below deck: Sinbad and Doubar enter guest cabin)
Doubar: Sinbad, look!
(Doubar and Sinbad look at a hammock covered with seaweed and snakes)
Sinbad: I think the two of you need to look at this as well. (pause) Maruf is dead, on deck. And it appears he's been dead for quite some time. Tell us what you know.
Fontassel: We have nothing to say.
Sinbad: I'm not going to risk my ship and my crew because of your dark secrets.
Fontassel: What, plan to put us back in a longboat and cast us back into the sea?
Sinbad: No, I'm not going to do that. I merely want you to tell us the truth about what happened to you.
Fontassel: I don't believe you're ready for that truth. And I'm not ready to tell it.
Sinbad: Fine. But I want you to haul THAT (points to hammock of snakes) out.
Tello: Can't make us.
Doubar: I wouldn't be too sure about that.
Fontassel: Tello.
(they take the hammock down and leave the room)
Doubar: Those guys give me the creeps.
Sinbad: Think of the horrors they've been through.
Doubar: But did they bring it upon themselves?
Sinbad: Well...One thing's for sure. They brought it here. Double the watch til morning. And tell Maeve I want to talk to her. Tell her to bring Dermott.
(Doubar leaves)