Jascha Richter
    name: jascha richter

    birthday & place of birth: 240663 USA

    height, weight and colour of eyes: 183 cm, 75 kg, blue/green

    the mini history of your career as a musician: started to play the piano when I was 8 years - played on bars and pubs until I met the other members of mltr.

    the musical influence: elton john, supertramp, bee gees, eagels, abba

    the first record you bought: abba arrival

    the first concert you attended: 10 cc

    when and how did you get your first musical instrument: I got a wodden flute as a present when I was 6 years

    when and how did you decide to become a professional musician: when I was 18 and started to compose music

    when and where did you play your first gig: in a club in aarhus, denmark called "motown"

    the most unforgettable concert (your own or others): mltr concert in denmark in 1991 - the first one where the audience sang along on "the actor"

    the band or musician you want to meet most: elton john

    your favorite book: "from picture to picture"

    your favorite film or tv program: "tootsie" and "englegaarden"

    your favorite actor and actress: harrison ford and rosanne arquett

    your favorite food: white potatoes with brown (danish) sauce and "frikadeller" (danish meetballs)

    who was your hero or heroin: agneta feltskog from abba

    if you had not become a musician, what would you have chosen as your profession: astronomi/physics

    your attitude towards life: treat other people as you want to be treated by them

    the most embarrassing moment of your life: when everything whent wrong at a concert

    what kind of child were you: as a child I was quiet and naive, a bit of a dreamer

    are there any artists that you would like to work with: yes - many

    how would you explain the other members in one word:
    mikkel: the joker
    søren: hippie
    kåre: the brain

    what do you want to be if you were born again: moviedirector


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