Relationship compatibility

A Well Matched Partner

Compatibility between two partners is extremely important to enhance the environment at home or at business. We unknowingly influence each other through our bodies' Electro-magnetic field. A good match around us creates positive energy and a not so good match creates static and friction. Vedic Astrology has a constellation-based theory, if two people match well they can earn the maximum of 36 points. The minimum is 18 points which allows the couple to live reasonably well with each other.

Compatibility comparison is unique and it tests the basic eight areas of our life, which are:

1. Natural refinement.
2. Magnetism between two.
3. The position and degree of the constellation at the time of birth.
4. The physical compatibility.
5. The compatibility of the mind.
6. The compatibility of temperament.
7. The compatibility of karma, destiny and obligation. Lastly,
8. Compatibility of the glands.

If you are married then this compatibility test will improve your marriage tremendously and will create an everlasting bond, If you are not married, it will alert you to what area you will need to compromise in. Ultimately, it will help you to live happily.

Relationship compatibility matrimonial matching report
(Based on the time-tested principles of Jyotish, Vedic astrology)

The report is prepared through a manual study of the charts. It is not computer-generated. What to expect Sample, compatibility report:

There is great likelihood of the relationship to be harmonious except during these periods when extra care may be exercised: February-March, June, September, December 2001; April-August, December 1999; July 2000, October, May 2001, etc.

In general, there will many periods of happiness experienced by the persons, but the third, fourth, sixth and eighth years of the relationship -- if the persons choose to remain in the relationship -- is likely to be periods of unusual grief.

Material wealth
Over and above what the persons bring into the relationship, there is a general tendency for the accumulation of material assets to occur only slowly. Assets are likely to grow rapidly only after the seventh and then again during the eleventh and twelfth years of the relationship.

Growth, general fortune
There is a strong probability for the relationship to grow in a positive manner because the persons have a tendency to learn lessons from their experience. Some minor setbacks are likely to slow the progress during the third and fourth years. In general, the relationship is likely to enjoy good fortune.

Physical mating, reproduction
There appears to be a harmonious understanding in sexual matters -- likely to last beyond the fourth year of the relationship. The physical relationship is likely to decline after that for about three years but should recover. If this is a concern, no adversity is seen in the potential arrival of offspring.

The report contains similar comments on these points:
Attachment, individual longevity
General well-being
Descendants, posterity
Nature of children, if any
Health of individuals
General opinion of the relationship

Horoscope matching is also one of the products of Astro Solutions. In the boy's horoscope, it is matched with a girl's for ashtakoot and manglik dosh, and finally a conclusion is arrived at which is authentic and takes care of all the rules specified in astrological books.

One of the attention seeking programs is the "Manglik Vichaar". This gives authentic analysis of individual's horoscope regarding manglik. It tells what kind of partnership is suitable for the native and suggests the remedial measure in case of strong manglik defects.

Every effort is made to mail the report within one week of the receipt of the following:

What to send

Names of persons
The time of birth (usually found in the birth certificate) of each person
The date of birth of each person
The place of birth - city, state, and country -- of each person
The address where the report should be sent
$ 30/- (US) or RS 1100/-. payable by money order, the details we will let you know by mail.

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Site last updated on 21st July, 2002.